Monday 15 May 2023

DAY 2410-2447

Apr 8 - May 15

1) They say spring is the time for sudden rain showers, blossoming trees and flowering plants. That certainly tallies with my experience here in Stoke. These past few weeks, as I was walking to and from work, I have noticed this change - the dramatic rise in temperature, flowers blooming in colourful splendour, and even the sudden but brief downpours.

2) Against this backdrop, a lot of events were unfolding in my personal life, including my grandpa's passing. I was in County Hospital that day, attending the one-day Advanced Life Support (ALS) course. While I was prepared mentally for the practical skills assessment, I had completely overlooked the fact that there would be a must-pass 120-question objective exam on the same day. After toiling through multiple practice scenarios, I managed a "pass" for the Cardiac Arrest Simulations Test (CASTest). With  just minutes to go before I was due to sit the objective paper, I received news that my grandpa had passed on. 

3) Going into the exam hall, I had to mentally block out any intrusive thoughts and focus only on the paper itself. Towards the end, my mind was already preparing for the inevitable eventuality of failing this paper and having to return for the repeat. Or so I thought. After the exam, we were provided with dinner while the papers were marked. Then we were individually called by the examiners who delivered our results. Against all my expectations, I received a congratulations rather than commiserations - I had passed both parts of the course and was therefore deemed a "competent" ALS provider. 

4) My friend MJ was really kind and offered to give me a ride back, saving me the hassle of waiting for a shuttle back. To be honest, I cannot recall much of the conversation we had - I was just so overwhelmed with emotion. I remember closing the room door and just crying my lungs out, before sleeping the night away. Reflecting on this here in my blog has certainly helped, as have all the heartfelt messages from family and friends alike - I really do appreciate it!

5) Tomorrow I will be heading down to London for three days. More updates to follow in the next edition of my blog. Until then, thanks very much for visiting as always, and have a great week ahead. Cheers! 

Spring is well and truly here

Yes they had to get my surname wrong as well

Breakfast is served

I really enjoy the lush nature at County

Lunch with a serving (or two) of coffee

Dinner while awaiting our test results

Advanced Life Support results - valid for 4 years