Saturday 14 December 2019

DAY 1180-1199

Nov 25 - Dec 14

1) After what seems like an eternity, I am finally back to blogging. The past three weeks have been quite stressful, as we had to submit our Module 2 essay (on Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience), as well as prepare for our first written (Module 1) exam - a 3-hour paper on the Anatomical Basis of Neurological Disease. Without having access to past year papers or even sample questions, it was difficult to predict what might be asked, or even the structure of those questions. Thankfully, we had some revision sessions with the module leads and lecturers, and they were able to guide us through our revision.

2) Still, it was a huge burden off our shoulders when we finished our exam at the ANC Lecture Theatre this Thursday. I found the exams to be straightforward, with some questions requiring a little extra knowledge, but overall quite manageable. And with that, we have now "officially" completed Semester 1 of our MSc course, and with it - two essays and one written exam. But just as we have our long-overdue Christmas break, there is the thought of Module 2 written exams looming ahead. That will be in mid-January, and as the module leads have pointed out, will be very much essay based; with four options out of a total seven to be answered in three hours. I am honestly NOT looking forward to that, but I know some who will *coughs* the non-medics...

3) Nevertheless, we have something exciting to look forward to - our research projects. On Friday, there was a meet-and-greet session with some of the supervisors, and they explained their projects in detail and the differences between say, a dry-lab, wet-lab, or clinical experiment. We were given the opportunity to seek projects on our own - either outside King's, in other departments, or even create our own if we were feeling brave. Personally, I would love to visit some of the labs first, to get a better idea of what they actually do and what might be expected of us. Some of these lab visits will take place in January, and it is hoped that the allocations can be finalised by the end of January, as things need to move forward and we have other modules to worry about.

4) For now, it is all about some quality "me" time for myself. The weather has become quite chilly recently, especially at night, but overall it's still quite sunny which is a pleasant surprise. They say that February and March are the coldest months so we'll see about that. By then, it will only be four months left in our course before we say goodbye - I cannot believe how fast time flies! Anyway, that's about it for this edition of the blog. Seeing as I am free-er after exams, you can expect more frequent updates than before - up until the next exam in January. Thanks for visiting as always, and have a great week ahead. Cheers!

Chilling at Wetherspoons (Fox on the Hill) right after our Module 1 Written Exams
l-r: Caterina, Malavika, Arina, Amba, Chloe, Myself, Toni, Geoff, Alex, Abdi, Asher, Simi, Karen, Heather, Sai, Olivia, Jerry

Absolutely chuffed to have completed our first paper! :D

The official opening of the KCL Student Union at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience (IoPPN)

Professor Ed Byrne, the 20th Principal of King's College London - delivering the welcoming speech

Free lunch here we go again :D

Beef stroganoff with pilaf rice

If you don't vote, you lose the right to complain 
- George Carlin

Myself, Malavika, Meghna, and Sai - lunch before one of our revision sessions...

Today's meal at the IoPPN canteen was amazing! All that for just £5.00

As was this ENORMOUS fish and chips at the King's Food Cafeteria by the WEC building

Trying to eat a little healthier - steamed fish with pesto sauce :)
The Christmas feel is strong here - roast turkey, pigs in a blanket, root vegetables, and sprouts
(note the napkin for extra Xmas spirit)

Pumpkin stuffed with rice

Bought myself a raffle ticket - because why not?

Fried chicken with sweet potato fries

Lunch literally half an hour before our exams - just wanna get this over with! (the exam, not the food which was delish)

Well-deserved celebration at the "Spoons"

Jerry even did a sketch of Abdi!

Today was meet-and-greet da with the supervisors - and they provided lunch :)

Buttermilk scones and jam are so good!

 Lunch was deliciously simple, yet simply delicious!!

Simply delicious, deliciously simple 
- shamelessly borrowing the quote on the box itself :P

Brought home a box of these babies - will last me a week then :)

Not the sign of a narcissist, but rather a reminder to myself to get a haircut soon XD

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