Friday 10 April 2020

DAY 1301-1317

Mar 25 - Apr 10

1) And so the lockdown continues. With each passing day, we hope that the epidemiological curve gradually flattens, thus reducing the burden to each country's healthcare system. The latest news in the UK (ref: The Guardian) is that it is too early to lift the lockdown, but we can expect an update earliest by end of next week. Also, it seems that social distancing measures are working, with admitted cases showing early signs of "levelling off". It is therefore important that everyone continue to stay at home and avoid the temptation of good weather (in UK) to go out unnecessarily.

2) Global pandemic aside, I've been keeping well (touchwood). As mentioned in my previous post, our class has finished an important statistics examination, as well as our clinical presentation. Originally intended to be an oral presentation, this was changed to an online presentation due to the outbreak. It was my first time using Microsoft Teams, so I was a little nervous about presenting. Fortunately, prior to the exam, my friends and I did a mock session to help each other out, and to brainstorm questions.

3) On the day of the exam, I was rudely awakened by someone's alarm in the wee hours of the morning (i.e. 5 a.m.) In retrospect, it might have been a smoke alarm or something, but it went off for almost an hour! So it wasn't the best start of the morning, but thankfully, when the exam began later, both my examiners were extremely friendly, and asked me loads of questions regarding my presentation.

4) While I was unable to answer all the questions, I did my best - and that was it! Now all that is left is an abstract exam and another essay. That leaves me quite a lot of free time. I've decided to tackle an optional essay for the AKC. The AKC series this semester has focussed on buildings, and so the topic that I've chosen to tackle for my essay is: given another AKC lecture, choose a building to talk about and why. Luckily this is an optional essay and therefore does not count towards my academic marks - I just like writing essays XD

5) And in case anyone thinks otherwise, of course I am bored in my room. Of course I *wish* that the pandemic would end soon and life can slowly return to normal - how nice that would be. But I am reminded everyday that by staying put, I am not only ensuring my own safety and welfare, but also those of others around me. And when it comes to managing large-scale pandemics like these, it is certainly better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, that's it for this edition of my blog. Thanks very much for visiting, and have a nice day. Cheers!

The hustle and bustle of the weekday markets (just imagine rows of food stalls along this street) has been replaced with absolute nothingness

People wearing masks and practicing social distancing (at least 2m from the next person) while queueing up to enter Tesco

Same place, different day :)

Signs outside Tesco regarding social distancing measures

And there's no one here

 Trying to eat healthily

 The emptiness of the streets really gets me sometimes
(on the plus side, it shows that people are adhering to the lockdown measures, which is awesome!)

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