Monday 5 October 2020

DAY 1488-1492

Sept 28 - Oct 2

1) So today's the last day of my post-MSc holiday life, as I shall be returning to medical school in Penang. If there is one thing that I truly dread, it is the hassle of moving. Thankfully, I was not alone in this, and my family decided to come along with me to help me move into my new accommodation in Berjaya Court, Penang. It is a strange feeling of both anticipation and excitement, as I prepare to continue my medical studies (beginning with psychiatry rotations) in Penang.

2) The days leading up to my departure have been bittersweet. On one hand, my parents have indulged me by letting me decide where to go for food or shopping. I've finally gone back to my maternal grandmother's house for a meetup with all my relatives, in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the other hand, the next time I would see everyone would be Chinese New Year (and even that is not certain, as I am facing problems with the restructuring of my OSCEs for the end-of-fourth-year examinations). 

3) But as the saying goes - this too shall pass. In the blink of an eye, I have been transported here to my new accommodation, and I have unpacked all my belongings and gotten ready for psychiatry. The recent spike in COVID-19 infections is certainly a cause for worry, but as of now, we still have access to the wards and patients, albeit with tighter regulations and precautions. Hopefully, this does not change as only by real patient contact will we improve our clinical acumen and become better (and safer) doctors-in-training.

4) Getting back into the routine and mindset of studying medicine has been a lot harder than I had anticipated, especially after a long year's hiatus. This next year (fourth year) promises to be very interesting and challenging at the same time, with my group (Group B) tackling, in order: Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Radiology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Therefore, I expect to become very busy, very soon.

5) Starting a new rotation means that blogging has to take a backseat to my studies. I wish I had the time (and energy!) to juggle both, but there is a lot more riding on my studies, including the expectation to graduate in time. That does not mean I will stop blogging, just that I may be busier than usual and have less time to do so. As it is, I want to apologise to everyone whom I've not managed to meet before leaving for Penang. I'll try my best to right this wrong the next time I return for holiday.

6) And with that, I shall end my blog post here. Thanks very much for reading, and have a great week ahead. Cheers!

Photo with the whole family (my aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, on my mother's side)
Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival together at my maternal grandmothers' house in First Garden

Trying out some Korean food for a change - Myeong Dong Topokki @ Aeon Station 18

Jajangmyeon (noodles in a black bean sauce)

Beef bulgogi with rice

Lunch is ready

Afternoon tea with my family at the Food Court, Aeon Station 18

Dinner at Hadramout Paradise, just opposite Kinta Riverfront Hotel

We ordered three sets of "Chicken Mandi", with a pot of adani milk tea (a spiced tea drink from Aden, Yemen)

Fun fact: "Mandi" is a traditional dish originated from Hadharmaut, Yemen, consisting mainly of meat and rice with a special blend of spices, cooked in a pit underground.

Trying out nasi lemak at Gourmet Square - tasted real good with the sambal chicken :)

The kaya puff at Wooley is something that I truly crave - filled to the brim with creamy coconut custard, and encased in this golden brown baked crust <3

Tried another nasi kandar restaurant in Canning Garden, called Veventhen (not sure if I spelled it right)
Huge portion sizes at a decent price too!

My dad surprised my mum and myself when he came to look for us at Texas Chicken (
his tuition class had been cancelled so he was free tonight)

I frequently mention Wooley but I've never really taken the time to photograph the food complex - here it is :)

Wooley Food Court with my dad

It's been soooo long since I actually ran a decent distance. This is my first 10km of the year, and I spent it running at night with my dad. It was the worst feeling ever as my dad is really fit and I could hardly keep up...

Trying out a new recommendation from my parents: The Museum @ Greentown Business Centre
They specialise in what is known as "Tor De Char Siew" (as seen on the menu) - which is BBQ pork which is really high in fat content

Decor in "The Museum"

This is the "tor de char siew" - extremely fatty but if it isn't the most succulent and juicy meat I've ever tried XD

Paku vege (a type of edible fern) stir-fried with sambal belacan. Trust me, it's really good

Pomphret fish in simple soy sauce - very fresh and meaty!

Stopping by my mom's laundromat business to take a pic

My mom and myself, at my maternal grandmother's house

My nephew Wen Bin decided to photobomb just as I clicked XD

A buffet-style section had been set up, with fried noodles, curries, fried yong tau foo, veggies, acar (pickled spicy vegetables), and some sweet treats!

Some of the aforementioned food items on my plate :)

This is black sesame soup - a popular dessert in Cantonese cuisine. Personally, I prefer sweet peanut soup (or paste, depending on the consistency)

My maternal grandmother, or "popo (婆婆)" as I know her

Setting the table with mooncakes and different fruits (in preparation for praying)

A beautiful coconut jelly made by one of my aunts :)

This is a really interesting (and colourful) take on a mooncake - the filling is still the same (lotus bean paste), but the outside is shaped differently compared to a regular mooncake. Made by my aunt

Group photo with my uncles and aunts

The Mooncake Festival is all about gathering together and enjoying the full moon - we certainly did with our beautifully-made lanterns!

With my niece She Rou

With my mom and nieces

Always a child at heart
(I remember so vividly lighting lanterns with my cousins when I was a kid)

Mooncake jelly infused with bird's nest and goji berries (or wolfberries)

Mooncake biscuits, or "kong zai peng" (公仔饼)


My last day in Ipoh with family, and my dad and I spent it having brunch at the famous Medan Selera Dato' Sagor, just opposite the J.W.W. Birch Memorial

My last dinner with my family was awesome - we order food catering, plus there was leftover dishes from the Mid-Autumn festival the previous evening

Some leftovers from the festival

Getting ready to move out (yes, I have a lot of things...)

Nope that is not our car but a good friend of my mum's

Stopped by Ikea in Batu Kawan

Grabbing some brunch

Wear a mask, save some lives

This is my second time in Ikea - the first was when I was really young, we went to Ikea in Singapore

Trying out their much-publicised Swedish meatballs - 16 for RM16.50

IKEA being a furniture shop, did a really good job in advertising their products, especially with their interior decoration

Pretending this is my new room in Penang (one can dream, right?)

The famous warehouse aisle where people usually get photos taken XD

Decided to jump on the bandwagon myself

Having dinner at a Nyonya Restaurant in Gurney Plaza (this is after we reached Penang and I had moved my stuff into my new room)

My mom had the fried rice with pandan chicken

My grandad very happy to start eating his spaghetti!

I had the nasi lemak with otak-otak (grilled fish cake made with ground fish meat, tapioca, and spices)

Now I can store all my clothes!

Walked all the way to Gurney Plaza (okay it's not that far...)

There is a new Food Hall at the 4th floor

It's been a while since I last came here

The Food Hall is not completely open yet - from Oct 15 it will :)

Already there were loads of people - just imagine how crowded it'll be when it fully opens!

In the end, I decided to go with the signature chilli pan mee

Bought dinner after my daily run around the small park outside my apartment (yes I'm making it a point to exercise daily in a desperate attempt to shed some pounds)

First day of Psychiatry let's gooo!

Sepoy Cafe's nasi penyet

Psychiatry please treat me well - for the next 7 weeks at least!

Back to school - RCSI-UCD Malaysia Campus (RUMC)

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