Sunday 22 November 2020

DAY 1529-1543

Nov 9 - 23

1) Not much has transpired since my last blog post. The partial lockdown is still in place, and if we're lucky, is expected to end by Dec 6. Until then, we've received confirmation that clinicals will continue as usual, which should mean no delay from my current rotation (psychiatry) to the next one (family medicine). Speaking of which, we have our clinical and communication skills (CASC) exam for psychiatry in just three days.

2) Essentially, we have one station with a real patient and an examiner. We are given one minute to read a scenario, and then we have fifteen minutes to clerk the patient. After that, we have twenty minutes to present the case summary, formulation, and management to our examiner. Believe me when I say that is a lot to get through in such a short amount of time. Nevertheless, it is an important skill to have as working doctors do not have the luxury of time; most consultations (especially the follow-up sessions) last at most 5-10 minutes! 

3) On a side note, it's already December - and so the year 2020 is coming to an end. And what a crazy year it has been! From mask-wearing to social distancing and distance learning, we've had to adapt so much to the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, there are many ongoing independent vaccine trials, many of which are showing really good promise. Hopefully, if the vaccines pass large Phase III Clinical Trials and are approved for public use, then mass vaccination can begin, and we may yet see a post-COVID world.

4) And on that positive note, I'll end my blog post here. I should really get back to preparing for my exams haha. Anyway, thanks very much for visiting as always, and have a great week ahead. Stay healthy and stay safe. Cheers! 

Completely unplanned meet-up with my buddy Sim!
@Granny's Cottage, Gurney Plaza

So there's this shop that sells Thai food in Gurney Food Hall
(this is their "red curry rendang set with rice")

This is their green curry set

And this is their basic chicken and egg rice set
(I really enjoy the curry as it rich and creamy)

My first Starbucks in a year :)

Random picture of a cat sleeping soundly
(@ Berjaya Court)

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