1) I've been pretty busy the last week, for a couple of reasons. RCSI Cancer Society organised their Daffodil Day Bake Sale, in an effort to raise funds for cancer research (Irish Cancer Society). Initially we were not given permission to use the Expo Stage at the No. 26 New Academic Building, but in the end we managed to set up there - and what a collection it was! Brownies, lemon squares, Rice Krispies, cupcakes, Daffodil flower badges, and even TWO tubs of Gino's Gelato (!) sponsored by Gino's themselves. While the other society members had baked most of these sweet treats, yours truly being the less culinary inclined could only provide moral support and manpower.
2) Initially, there wasn't that large a turnout - probably because the students had class. Soon, however, the numbers began rising, partially due to the awesome deals we gave them. €1 for a tub of Gino's anyone? We tried to give them the most bang for their buck, short of actually toppling the ice cream. After a while, the ice cream began to melt, turning into a gloop of still awesome goodness, so Claire had to take it to the refrigerator. All in all, it was a really good day to raise funds for charity. Just a pity I couldn't be around the whole day, as I had other business to attend to.
3) Among the many things I've done, none was more striking than my getting a haircut. I used to get my free haircut at the Dublin School of Barbering, but recently I've noticed the website (where you book your appointment) has been taken down, and my efforts to walk there to enquire have been unsuccessful so far. As I could not wait much longer (see my 'before' pic below and I'm sure you'll agree why) I decided to have a haircut anyway, at the Grafton Barber. They have a student deal for €10 on weekdays, before 12pm. So I got my haircut, and even received a complimentary coffee as well! Not a bad deal at all :)
4) Last week was International Cultural Night 2018. My friends have been working incredibly hard for this moment - where different student bodies compete in a dance-off to promote their culture and background. I wasn't participating in this edition (I did last year) as I could not commit to the long hours of practice, compounded by the fact that I've now relocated to Beaumont. To cut a long story short, PMCSA (the RCSI equivalent of MSoc) clinched Overall Champion with a brilliant display of diversity and artistic flair - as they enthralled the audience with their intricate dance moves, accentuated by their authentic costumes and outfits! A truly monumental feat, and a huge congratulations to all those involved! :)
5) Today was our OSCE Station exams. It is a practical exam, with no grade but a simple pass-fail system. Fail, and there would be a repeat exam the following week. No one wants to fail, and so, in the days leading to this date, my friends and I were practising like mad, to cover all possible scenarios. We each took turns playing the patient, examiner, and the medical student. The videos available - we felt - were not much help, but fortunately they provided us with the mark sheet criteria as well, so we could go off that. As my batch went into Tutorial Room 4 of the Smurfit Building today, my heart was beating with anxiety. What would be the task? Would I be able to complete them in time? (we had only five minutes)
6) In the end, I got a Mr. "Smith" (for those studying in RCSI, you'll remember him as the very famous surface model with Dr. Mark Murphy in those YouTube videos), and the task was posterior chest examination. I had just finished chest wall expansion when time was called, and it was feedback time, by the invigilator. "You've passed. Good technique overall. Congrats". That's all I needed to hear. One huge load off my shoulders. And now, just two weeks more till our Cardioresp mid-terms, and another two weeks till our final semesters. This semester - and indeed, this year - is passing by so fast I can hardly catch up. And with that, I'll end my blog update here. Enjoy the photos, and thanks for tuning in. Have a great one, cheers! :)

RCSI Daffodil Day Bake Sale!!
(with my new haircut XD)
Bake Sale!
(more pics below)
Congratulations guys - awesome job! ^^
The morning view as I await the bus to the city centre (Eden Quay)
A huge thanks to Education in Ireland for this! :))
That is a very impressive diagram indeed!
Whoever did this you've got real talent :)
From this...
To this!
Wearing the Irish Cancer Soc T-shirt, just in time for the Bake Sale
Cupcakes, Rice Krispies, brownies - for €1 a pop!
The pièce de résistance - Gino's gelato in two flavours - amaretto and strawberry!
The Post Office ("GPO Dublin")
Smurfit Building 2nd Floor - practising for our OSCE's