Monday 19 March 2018

DAY 562-566

Mar 17 - 21

1) As predicted, "the Beast from the East" has returned - dubbed the Mini Beast from the East - over the course of the weekend. Temperatures dipped below zero, with the usual chilly-to-the-bone winds, bringing the wind chill factor and the RealFeel temperature well into the double digits (below zero, that is). Thankfully, conditions have been improving and we've seen sunny weather thus far. Hopefully that will continue for the rest of the week, and indeed, throughout the month. Just when you thought spring should have well and truly come...

2) Last Saturday, Ireland celebrated St. Patrick's Day. The date that St. Patrick's Day falls on is thought to be the date that St. Patrick died and is therefore his feast day; the day is a holy and religious day in the Catholic Church, but more recently has come to celebrate Ireland as a nation too. Unfortunately, the parade didn't pass the streets where I live (I stay at Beaumont, which is quite far out of town) and as it was freezing on that day and some bus routes were diverted, I didn't go into town myself.

3) Things have been picking up since the last blog post. We have our OSCE practical exams coming up, in about a week. These exams are different from the ones we did back in Junior Cycle - these are assessed based on a simple pass-fail system. While some may prefer this as it does not account towards the weighted average at the end of the semester, this also means you cannot afford to fail it, as you would not be able to progress into the next semester. No pressure then...

4) Just two weeks after our OSCEs is our Cardio-Respiratory mid-semesters. And two weeks following that is our final semesters, which end on May 9th. Not a very good time for me to be slacking off. Anyway, that has been a summary of the past couple of days, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks very much for visiting, and have a great day ahead. Cheers!

The night scene in Beaumont
(just to the left is the Northside Shopping Centre)

It just dawned on me that these devices are "Assembled in Malaysia" :)

The photo quality doesn't do it justice here, but that is some really good, authentic Laksa noodles! ^^

My host mother's awesome cheese omelette! :))

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