Friday 28 August 2020

DAY 1445-1457

Aug 16 - 28

As one chapter closes, another begins. For two weeks, Tune Hotel KLIA2 (Room 471) became my new home. It was an experience to say the least. On the first morning of our stay, they sent us a pamphlet asking us to check our dietary requirements and to note any allergies or pre-existing medical conditions. They then asked us to sign a form declaring our quarantine period for two weeks, or in my case, from 14th to 28th August. We were each given a white band for identification purposes, and we were restricted to our rooms only.

For meals, the staff (fully dressed in personal protective equipment, PPE) would wheel a trolley from door to door, placing our meals on the chairs outside our rooms. For the most part, the meals were filling and to my liking – certainly a taste of the Malaysia that I had left behind a year back. Okay so it wasn’t outstanding or anything, but it was decent enough (below are some pictures of my meals). To pass the time, there was a nice TV in our bedroom, but I never made use of it as I had good old high-speed WiFi. And that was our routine for the past two weeks – three square meals a day delivered with metronomic regularity.

On the 27th, some staff members rang my door. They were going to prick my finger for an RTK antigen test (to confirm that I was not infectious for COVID-19). Only then did I find out that I would be moving back home today – a day earlier than expected! Excited but a bit panicky as I had not packed up yet, I scrambled to finish packing by the check-out time, 3.00pm. Finally, with my luggage good to go, I was ushered to the main check-out counter downstairs. After a long queue, my band was removed, and I was once again a free man.

Three hours later, I was back where I had left a year ago – home sweet home. It’s such a warm feeling to be reunited with my parents and grandpa. My parents kept my room prim and proper in my absence, and even added a nice welcome home sign! I was really touched by that. And now that I’m back, I have a month or so to get everything sorted before I return to clinical medicine. This includes shedding all the extra pounds I’ve gained from my gastronomic adventures abroad. Overall, it has been an incredible adventure all the way, and here’s looking forward to many more! Thanks for visiting my blog as always, and have a great week ahead. Cheers :)

P.S. Meet ups in Ipoh, anyone? My driving license has expired, but where there’s a will, there’s always a way.

Reunited with the family - after a whole year!

My grandpa was certainly all smiles

With mummy dearest

Back to tearing up the pavement - need to lose some of those extra pounds XD

Typos aside, I've never felt so loved <3

A one-off goodie bag from the National Disaster Relief Fund

A simple burger and chips with a thoughtful message :)

Breakfast - muesli with fresh yoghurt and some fruits

Fried mee with two spring rolls (popia) and two curry puffs

Pancakes for breakfast :)

Fish and chips with coleslaw and some chocolate cake for dinner

When my mind idles... (after two weeks of isolation)

A few slices of bread with butter and "kaya" (coconut egg jam)

Char kuey teow (fried flat noodles) with scrambled egg and fruit

Nasi lemak with chicken rendang, and a side of cake

They were very generous with the bottled water, eventhough I couldn't come close to finishing it

View from outside my window

Finally, all packed up and ready to head home!

Trying my mum's delicious steamed cream cracker cake!

Lovely durian from a family friend

A very welcoming sign indeed :')

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