Tuesday 11 August 2020

DAY 1430-1437

Aug 1- 8

1) As the days count down to my departure (on Aug 12), my friends and I have made some plans to meet up. This week, we met up in front of Buckingham Palace, before walking over to Green Park, located between Hyde Park and St. James's Park. Sai, Karen, and myself were unfortunately a little late to the party as we were busy stocking up on snacks and drinks. Once everyone had arrived, we did our usual hunt for a nice picnic spot, before sitting in a circle and chatting the day away.

2) Most of the conversation was on "Indian Matchmaking" - a reality show on Netflix which I unfortunately have not watched and so could not relate. Of course, at some point, we decided to introduce Amba to the game called "Contact" - which we had played on various occasions, including our trip to Oxford. We then switched to a more classic game of charades. I still cannot believe that I managed to guess Malavika's mime, i.e. Manhunt: Unabomber - another Netflix series which I have not watched. And thus we whiled the time away until it started getting dark.

3) In a rather unfortunate incident, Meghna (or myself, I can't be sure) dropped her hot dog while she passed it to me, as she wanted to pay. The ketchup and mustard had stained most of my hands and my mask, so I had to put up with sticky fingers until I could find a tap. Thankfully, we had our class rep Simi ask the servers for a replacement, to which they agreed. Amba then suggested we go to a pub to chill, as the day was really quite hot (as it has been for the past week). Simi then left for greener pastures (just joking she was busy), while we remained there until closing time (at around 11pm).

4) I was then convinced (re: coerced XD) to follow my friends to the Blackstock Pub, a quirky late night pub situated in the heart of Finsbury Park. My friends indulged in some tequila shots and jägerbombs, while I, being the teetotaler of the group, watched them. It was certainly a night of partying and dancing the night away. Afterwards, a combination of unnecessary, unwarranted, and unacceptable turn of events meant that we walked aimlessly to a bus stop for no apparent reason. Being the bigger (and obviously better) person, I'll leave it at that.

5) Overall, I have to say I enjoyed going out and partying with my friends. On most occasions, I probably would have politely declined (citing my usual excuse of being tired and needing sleep), but certainly the end of our masters deserved some form of celebration. And celebrate we did - right until 4.30am, when we took the bus back to Trafalgar Square, and I walked the remainder home. It was a wild and wacky night, but I'm really glad I spent it with my friends.

6) That's about it for this edition of the blog - the next one is coming right after this, and is about my trip to the National Gallery. Stay tuned, and thanks very much for visiting as always. Have a nice day, cheers!

P.S. Enjoy the pics :)

My friends and I are all smiles in front of the main entrance to Buckingham Palace
(l-r: Meghna, Amba, Maloo, Myself, Simi, Karen, and Sai)

Westminster Chapel (founded 1840) is an evangelical free church in Westminster, Central London

My solo shot in front of Buckingham
(I obviously chose this red horizontal-striped shirt to complement the vertical lines on the gate :))

Why we didn't stand in line, I will never quite understand

The inscription reads - Victoria Regina Imperatrix

Sitting on the steps while waiting for Maloo to arrive

Bronze statue to Peace - one of four massive bronze figures located at each corner of the monument
(the other three are "Progress", "Manufacture", and "Agriculture")

Somehow managed to look tall-er in this photo

Green Park, just opposite Buckingham Palace. It was landscaped in 1820 and is notable among central London parks for having no lakes or buildings, and only minimal flower planting in the form of naturalised narcissus.

I really admire the design of the gates - so much detail

Gotta try these chocolate fudge brownie bites - they are the bomb!

Giving new meaning to the phrase "a circle of friends".

Had to say an early goodbye to Simi - all the best in your future undertakings!

Just me and my trusty knapsack

Toasting jägerbombs

And here, we have an example of past pointing - a cerebellar sign...

Just kidding -  obviously these are paid actors demonstrating abnormal cerebellar signs for our neurological examination

Long day, even longer night - t'was really fun though :)

Walking back at around 4.30am - not many people on the streets

For some reason, I found these purple zigzag lights to be very pleasing

Far in the distance is the neon-lit London Eye

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