Saturday 25 December 2021

DAY 1929-1941

Dec 14 - 26

On this very Christmas Day, I have quite a bit to say. 
Public Health has been a pleasure, with each passing day a new adventure.
Despite long rides in the morning, no lecture was ever boring,
Of course I jest - by afternoon we were all a-snoring.

Our two weeks off was a blast, if only it would last
Then I'd be able to wake up late, and wouldn't that be great
But things have to move on I suppose, as our semester draws to a close,
And we bid our goodnight's sleep adios.

From McDonald's breakfast runs, to afternoon lunches in the scorching sun,
Friendships were made along the way, and I'm hoping that will stay
For in a course where everything moves at speed, and nothing is ever guaranteed, 
A friend in need is a true friend indeed.

I make light the long hours of our rotation, but in truth it exceeded our expectation,
We learnt about the different levels of care, and even took my friend's car for repair
For when the brakes of a car malfunction, we all know that's a clear indication
That the next junction might be our final destination.

Thankfully things got sorted overnight, and wasn't that a delight
But then my laptop decided it had enough, even though I never treated it rough
But where there's a will there's a way, or so they say,
And luckily my laptop is holding on, at least for today.

My trivial laptop issues aside, there were far larger issues nationwide
We were devastated by yet another tragedy, the largest we've had in recent memory
Of a flood that claimed 46 lives after it started, and left many questions unanswered, 
As it crashed through the east coast unabated.

This Christmas has been marred by the recent flood, a tragedy that left many devastated,
But from initial despair and grief, to the subsequent aid and relief
The rakyat have proven time and time again, when there is nothing to lose and everything to gain
We the citizens of Malaysia will prevail - no matter the pain!

Group photo of everyone posted in Seberang Perai Tengah
(With the lovely matron, nurses, and supporting staff)
Photo taken at the Kampung Pertama District Clinic

Back in the ACC building (Penang General Hospital) after a long break
With my good friend Gary

Disclaimer: I'm not a houseman yet, but just tagging along as a final year medical student

A full day of academic and practical sessions

Making new friends in my cohort 
(thanks to Covid-19 and the physical restrictions I've not met many of my peers)
L-R: Tina, Jiji, Gary, Nazhan, Myself

What a beautiful morning to cross the Penang Bridge

Crossing the bridge on our way to Seberang Jaya Health Clinic
(our main destination for the public health rotation)

Public Health Rotation attendance card

Kak Sal Kelate Restaurant - famous for their nasi kerabu

An incredible assortment of flavours, with a very uniquely coloured rice, dyed blue from the petals of butterfly pea flowers

Lunch time is always a good time
With my good friend Tenisha :)

Lunch with (almost) everyone in our rotation!
L-R: Tina, Mira, Tenisha, Sabrina, Alin, Liyana, Myself, Jiji, Nana

Trying another shop recommended by our friends - LoMaQ Coffee

Their specialty is masak lemak cili api (i.e. bird's eye chilli in coconut cream)
You can pick your meat and it gets slow-cooked in this really rich creamy and spicy sauce, served with rice and a side dish of fried anchovies and ulam
As promised: here's a shoutout to my good friend Helmi for recommending this for my "good eats" review!

My "good eats" score: 8/10
Rich and smoky flavour, but would have preferred if it was spicier :)

A three-hour extended break on Friday meant a trip to Sunway Carnival Mall, where a huge Christmas tree made of presents was on display :)

A better view of the towering Christmas tree of presents!

Bawal bakar (charcoal-grilled pomphret) @ Dapur Penyet, an Indonesian cuisine franchise 
in Sunway Carnival Mall

Saturday lunch with my buddy Sim @ Gurney Plaza :)

Another one for the memories :)

Sunday 12 December 2021

DAY 1914-1928

Nov 29 - Dec 13

1) This was a rather eventful two weeks for me. To start off, I had to clear my Situational Judgment Test (SJT), which is necessary for all applicants to the UK Foundation Programme. Other than my lack of preparation, I was really concerned about my WiFi connection, as I have always had trouble with it, and at the most unfortunate of times. I briefly considered taking the test at the main campus, but in the end I did not want to risk any disruptions to my exam. Considering how strict they are with the rules and regulations, I did not want a security guard or staff member to knock on the door in campus and disqualify me from the test immediately. 

2) Fortunately for me, I managed to use the vacant third room in my apartment to take the test. As it is an unoccupied room, I did not have to do any interior decoration to remove books or notes that may be lying around. After taking pictures of my room surroundings and providing the invigilators with photos of my ID, I was good to go. Basically, the test consists of three sections - Sections 1 and 2 are taken together, followed by an optional 10-minute break before Section 3. To be honest, I had no idea how I did; I only remember being very tired after finishing the exam, as I started at 8:30pm and finished just before midnight. Luckily, my internet connection worked like a gem and I experienced no hiccups throughout. I did however forget one of the rules which was no mumbling or talking to yourself as you read the questions, and I very quickly received a warning from the proctors asking me to stop. Yes, not even your lips are allowed to move as you sit for the better part of three hours attempting questions on a computer screen.

3) On the day of my exam, I received another surprise. My mum and her side of the family came to visit Penang! I initially thought my mum was joking when she asked whether I was around, but we finally did meet up for lunch at the State Chinese (Penang) Association. Apparently, it was completely unexpected and unplanned for, but I was really glad to reunite with my mum and relatives after nearly a year away from home. My only minor gripe was they visited on the one day when I actually had an exam to take - any other day would have been fine. This meant that I could not join them for dinner, so we opted for afternoon tea at OO White Coffee Cafe instead. I definitely intend to return home (barring any changes to my schedule) during Chinese New Year next year.

4) The following two weeks will be Public Health rotation for me, which means going out to the field to learn about population-based health in more detail. Then come the end-of-rotation examinations and continuous assessment for surgery, which marks the end of the year. Hopefully next year will be an even better year. Given all the doom and gloom that we've been subjected to this year, I think we all deserve it. And with that, I'll end my blog post here. Thanks very much as always for visiting, and have a great week ahead. Cheers!

Reunited with mummy dearest and my maternal grandmother!

Ang Hoay Lor Restaurant, serving Hokkien cuisine in Penang

The whole family is here for our totally unexpected one-day reunion in Penang <3 

Right next to the restaurant is the State Chinese (Penang) Association

Round 2 - Afternoon tea at OO White Coffee Cafe

Polo bun

Tried the "yin yong" - which is a mix of coffee and tea, served in a tall glass filled with ice!

*Sigh* and yet another beautiful day has to end with a tearful goodbye...
Until CNY then

Gurney Plaza certainly brought along the festive cheer

As you can see - loads of people visiting the mall, just like pre-pandemic times :)

Wai Po Jia a.k.a. Granny Cottage @ Gurney Plaza

Thanks Rach for introducing me to Kim's Korean Restaurant - huge portions of really delicious food!

Back with my buddy Sim for our weekend lunch trips - this time at Sushi Tei @ Gurney Plaza

Can't get past the beautiful Xmas decorations

If there's one thing Malaysian supermarkets do right, 
it's definitely the decorations and festive atmosphere
(too bad they can't do anything about the blistering heat outside XD)