Friday 20 May 2022

DAY 2061-2086

Apr 25 - May 20

1) Don't be sad that it's over, be glad that it happened. In many ways, that has summed up the past month for me. After our surgery OSCEs, we still had four exams remaining - two written papers and two long cases for medicine and surgery each. During this period, I essentially went into full recluse mode, camping in the library and staying overnight on several occasions. As our new canteen operator had not moved in yet, I had to walk all the way to the rows of food stalls behind the hospital. Usually, I would have my lunch there, before getting dinner to go. 

2) The library has been a literal godsend for me, especially for escaping the blistering afternoon heat. The fact that no one ever seemed to use it (other than a few of my friends) meant that I essentially had free reign over the area in the weeks leading to our finals. In addition to a nice study space, there was a mini-dispensary downstairs (for those late night cravings), cold and hot water, clean toilets, and free WiFi to enjoy. This may not seem like much, but for a coffee-reliant sleep deprived stress-ridden final medical student such as myself, that was all that I cared for at the moment.

3) As much as I dreaded the upcoming exams and wanted them to be over soon, I was also aware of what lay ahead - that odd feeling of waking up and not knowing what to do. And that was precisely what happened to me on the last day of examinations. I walked out of the medicine long case wondering what I should study next - only to remember that exams were officially over! It was definitely a surreal feeling to be free once more, after over five years of studying continuously for exams.

4) In the coming days, most of us would anxiously await our results. We had previously been informed that the results would be out on the 18th, so we waited. And waited. And waited... until we received an email that evening stating that results would only be out the next day. In between all this waiting, my mum decided to pay me a visit. While she actually came to help me pack up and move out, we still managed to get plenty of shopping and sight-seeing done. For me, it was a great relief spending my last two nights in Penang in a hotel, for a change. 

5) Of course, the big day had to arrive sooner or later - results day. Cue a brief frenzy of refreshing the results page. Long story short, I passed. The culmination of five long years of literal blood, sweat, and tears, neatly summed up in that results slip that we assessed online. Following my dad's advice, I then made my way to the Dean's office to thank him. He asked me how I did and when I replied that I was satisfied with my results, he asked for my student number and proceeded to tell me my overall grade! Until now, I still cannot believe that medical school is now a thing of the past, and that the next time I step foot into a hospital / clinic it would be to start work!

6) But first, I need to take a break from all that studying. And what better way to do so than by spending some much needed quality time with my family back home. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions throughout my medical journey, but one thing's for sure - I can definitely count on them to get me through thick and thin. That's all for this edition of the blog - a huge congratulations to all my friends who passed, and take care and stay healthy. Cheers!

Group photo for Hari Raya celebrations!
L-R: Yasmeen, Nateelya, Shang Chen, Mariss, Liyana, Myself, Ayesha, Olly, Jaznina, Wei Herng, Midon

After a long day in the library...

Back at Pablo's for some awesome pasta and banter :)
Thanks Tenisha for recommending this place!

Absolutely loved the fully loaded nachos (centre)

Free snacks and drinks at the Social Hub - in anticipation for our finals

Hari Raya celebration lunch - courtesy of RUMC Islamic Society (ISOC)!
L-R: Ayesha, Liyana, Jaznina, Midon, Myself, Wei Herng, Nateelya, Nour, Mariss, Shang Chen

An assortment of treats to celebrate Hari Raya - which marks the end of Ramadan 
(the Islamic holy month of dawn-to-sunset fasting)

Ketupat palas (right) and sate (left) - traditionally eaten during Hari Raya 

My unkempt disheveled appearance ahead of our surgery finals

So there's this lovely restaurant called Sri Suriya, located behind the hospital (PGH)
Used to have my lunch here before getting dinner as well

L-R: Angel, Mariss, Karan, and Myself
(Our last night in the library before medical finals)

Post-finals celebration with my good friend Kuhan
At Sri Ananda Bahwan Restaurant for some good old roti canai and thosai

Masala dosa - basically dosa (or thosai in Malaysia) stuffed with spiced potatoes

Post-movie lunch at McD
An acid trip experience watching the movie "Everything Everywhere All at Once" starring Malaysia's very own Dato' Michelle Yeoh

Post-exam destressing with Mariss

Look who's here for a visit - mummy dearest <3

An assortment of sushi

No caption needed - just look at the size of those cakes!
@ Moody Cow Cafe
Left: Durian, Right: Cempedak (Jackfruit)

Shopping at Gurney Paragon Mall

Old Master Q comics are the staple of any local barbershop - so it was quite interesting to see a restaurant themed around this

Anyone who has stayed at Legend Inn, Taiping (for sub-internship) would remember the "distinct" taste of Auntung white coffee XD

Back at it with the good food - this time at Arashi Shabu-Shabu, Gurney Plaza

I chose the milk broth (right) while my mum had the porridge (left)
Absolutely loved the Hong Kong style condiments!

After packing up, my mum had the most brilliant idea ever - why not just check into a hotel for the last two days? Couldn't agree more, so here we are at Sunway Hotel :)

Utter bliss

With a magnificent view of Komtar Tower to boot!

What a view!

Obligatory breakfast at arguably the most famous McDonald's in the region, McDonald's Birch House - a colonial mansion that once served as the office of Eastern Smelting, a 19th century tin smelting firm

Adventist Hospital Cafeteria food for lunch - after completing my UK visa medical test
Of course I bumped into a few friends along the way :)

Nyonya fish (foreground) was the absolute bomb!

Claypot tofu (beancurd) and vegetable soup made up the rest of this fine meal

Gurney Walk - my first time here

Somehow this reminds me of D' Fat Mona Lisa Cafe (yes that's the actual name)

Very impressive night view of Gurney Paragon

Just look at these pristine egg custard tartlets, garnished with mint and wolfberries

Being a sucker for sweet treats, I ordered the strawberry mille-feuille with raspberry ice cream. Perfection.

Results day - so we prepared mentally by stuffing ourselves silly with some good dim sum!

Home sweet home - with my dear parents

Ice kacang (shaved ice) for afters haha - cuz there's always room for dessert!

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