Sunday 17 December 2017

DAY 472/473/474

Dec 16, 17 & 18

1) It has been a very relaxing past couple of days, as the pressure of exams has been lifted. Many of my friends have gone back home (or at least, to other countries) leaving me behind with not much else to do. Luckily, my friends Zi Yan and Wei Herng were in the same predicament, and Zi Yan found something fun for us to visit: Santa's Grotto and Christmas Winter Wonderland! by the Scientology Community Centre, Dublin.

2) We met up in the new building today, and took the bus to our destination. About 45 minutes later, we were at the doorstep of the Scientology Centre. It turns out we were quite early, as most of the props (including Mr. Santa Claus) had just arrived. In the midst of taking photos, Zi Yan accidentally dropped one of his gloves, and only by retracing his steps was he able to find it.

3) As we toured round the building, we saw some lovely cupcakes which caught our attention. I had not taken my breakfast yet, so as a sort of brunch, I shared a box of cupcakes with my friends. We were also served complimentary festive snacks in the form of mince pies and cranberry juice. After our "lunch", we headed over to grab a photo with Santa. He looked really happy to see us and asked us where we came from. It didn't matter that we were at least fifteen years past the age of all the other children - it was the inner child among us that wanted to take a picture with him. (Plus I needed something attractive for my blog cover pic XD)

4) Having explored the interior of the building (and reading a bit about what Scientology represents), we headed outside for some fun and games. First, we took more pics with Santa, this time posing with his characteristic sleigh and reindeer. Then, we took our turn on the Fun Fair rides, sharing some really hilarious moments where my friends squished me to the side during the ride. As the sky was getting darker, we headed up to take some pics of the lighted props.

5) Having decided that we had seen and experienced enough, we made our way back to Dublin 1, but not before having to chase like crazy after the bus. We had waited 15 minutes for bus 75, and had given up and assumed it had left earlier. As we were walking to the next bus stop further down the road, we saw the bus in the opposite direction. Just managed to hail the bus in time. I was exhausted at this point, and took a short nap in the bus.

6) From Dublin 1, we walked to Han Sung for an early dinner. All three of us ordered the pork dish (pork labb) with rice, and we were a bit disappointed with the price hike. Nevertheless, we opted to eat here since we had come this far. Finished our delicious (albeit pricey) meal, and made our way back to Mercer. I'll be staying the night at Wei Herng's, as I have to be up early tomorrow morning. Anyway, that has been the gist of my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Do scroll all the way down, as I took many lovely photos of our trip to the attraction today. Thanks for tuning in, and have a nice day. Cheers!

Group pic with Santa Claus himself :))

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