Wednesday 9 May 2018

DAY 599-616

Apr 23 - May 10

1) After what I can only describe as an eternity, exam season has finally drawn to a close. Our three end-of-semester exams were on the 30th (Cardio-Respiratory), 3rd (Foundations in Pathology), and 9th (Foundations in Microbiology). This semester has not been an easy task, but I'm glad that it happened. It has made me realise that the pathway to any goal in life is never going to be easy, and that is exactly what makes it all worthwhile.

2) Finishing our exams, to me, is akin to moving from Jupiter to the Moon. Jupiter, with its strong gravitational pull - resembles my studies, and the constant nagging thought at the back of my head to stop whatever I am doing and resume studying. Au contraire, the Moon, with its relatively meagre gravitational force - represents the aftermath of my exam. There isn't any more central force keeping me in check, and I am free to explore and discover at my leisure.

3) There has been a drastic change in weather these past three weeks, with Dublin (and I'm sure, most of Ireland as well) experiencing a lovely burst of warm weather. In fact, the past few days have come very close to matching the weather back home... Speaking of home, the end of my exams also means that my parents will be coming to visit! In just three short days, I will be greeting them at Terminal 2, the same place we touched down on our first arrival to Dublin two years ago.

4) My dad informed me that he had a trip around Europe planned, but stopped shy of the details. "It'll be a surprise," he says. Indeed, the thought of reuniting with my parents after two long years brings more than enough joy to me - so everything else is just icing on the cake. I simply cannot wait :)

5) As for my plans for the summer, I applied - and was successful - in being selected for the International Research Summer School Programme. In the past years, there were four spots available each, for two universities (Hoshi University in Japan, and Soochow University in China). To my disappointment, funding was halted for the Japan programme, and the China programme intake was reduced to two. I can only count my lucky stars to be selected for this wonderful opportunity to do research over the summer in Soochow, China.

6) With the GE14 (Malaysia's 14th General Election) well and truly over, Malaysia has reached a decision. It is a decision that I believe many had hoped for, but not so many (myself included) believed would be possible. Vox populi vox Dei - "the voice of the people is the voice of God." The majority have spoken - let them be heard! :)

That has been roughly three weeks' worth of blog update. Thank you very much for visiting as always, and have a lovely week ahead. Cheers!

Marking my territory - in Beaumont Library
(frankly it's so empty here compared to the college library)

A vegetarian lasagna from Beaumont's Cafetaria

My host mom left this for me - I'm so touched <3<3

As you can see, there's really no one here :)

1784 is the name of the new cafe in the main campus
(they have a wide variety of food items which rotate every single day)

Such as this phyllo-wrapped rice pastry
(it kinda resembles ouzi)

Two falafel cakes served with pita, rice, and hummus, on a bed of greens :)

Fish and chips is my favourite at 1784
(loaded with a heapful of chips and mashed peas - it's heavenly!)

My post-exam meal - mushroom risotto with garlic bread and salad
(with an extra heapful of parmesan)

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