Monday 8 October 2018

DAY 758-767

Sept 30 - Oct 9

1) And just like that, another week has passed. A week which has seen me try my best to prepare for our "quiz" - worth only 20% for each module, but at this stage in our course, every single percentage counts. Tropical Medicine and GIHEP (Gastrointestinal Hepatology) were the two modules we were tested on, one after the other with no break in between.

2) Although it was only MCQs in this particular quiz, that didn't make it any easier, at least not for me. Sometimes it feels like no amount of studying would have prepared me for the type of questions asked. Anyway, as they say, that's a thing of the past. Now it's onwards to the next couple of tests in the coming month - REGUB (Renal, Endocrine, Genito-Urinary and Breast), and CNSLF (Central Nervous System, Locomotor, Forensics) - not to mention a pass/fail OSCE in between.

3) You'd expect a brief respite after racking our brains over those two exams in the morning - but as this is RCSI, nothing can be further from the truth. We had four hours worth of study after our exams, compounding to my misery of not having slept enough these couple of days. Plus as they've long started the other modules and I haven't really looked through any of them since I was too busy revising for this exam, I now have to play catch up for the rest of the week. As if I didn't have enough already haha.

4) Anyway, in a sort of ironic way, this is preparing us for reality. When it comes to patient wellbeing (and indeed, their lives), there is simply no excuse. The plus side is the semester seems to be flying by. It's hard to believe that we're deep into our second month, and about a third of the semester gone. Here's to more knowledge acquisition in the coming weeks/months, and to achieving our desired grades in our exams. That's it for this edition of my blog, and thanks as usual for checking in. Have a lovely week ahead, cheers! :D

Post exam "celebration" - lovely Beaumont staff cafeteria food :')
(l-r: Sarita, Joshua, Aliyah, Yours truly, Zi Yan)

Curry lamb with rice and carrots :)

Chicken and mushroom pie - this tasted really awesome :)

Vegetarian something with stuffing and carrots XD

My host mom Emma bought me this really fancy luxury chocolates after coming back from holiday!!<3<3<3

Fish and chips - a staple here in Ireland. Really fresh fish too ^^

And one more for the record :)

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