Sunday 21 October 2018

DAY 774-780

Oct 16-22

1) And another week has passed. As I count down the days till our exams finish, I'm increasingly aware that I will soon be leaving Ireland. It is indeed a shame that as much as I would love to maximise my remaining time here doing fun exciting activities, I still have to keep my studies a priority - or I wouldn't be going back XD.

2) As it is, my friends have been very supportive, and I find myself hanging out with everyone a little more. Knowing that everyone is going through the same phase certainly helps, as we can relate to each others' problems. My routine has not changed one bit - I still arrive early at the library everyday, and I leave when it closes - 10pm on weekdays, and 8pm on weekends.

3) One thing I've discovered is that breaks are really important. Everyone deserves a break, regardless of how close exams are or how much left they need to cover. I've always felt a lot more energised and in the mood to study after a well-earned lunch break with friends in the canteen. And I realise that when I do return to Malaysia, it is these memories that I will take home with me - not the ones spent cramming information in a secluded spot in the library.

4) In less than a month, it will be time for our annual Farewell Dinner - for the Malaysian (and international) students returning to Malaysia for their clinical stage of the course. It was only yesterday when I attended my first Farewell Dinner, for the seniors two years above. I still remember thinking what a long way we have to go, and yet here I am. Frankly, time has wheezed by (mostly due to the studying XD) and soon it will be time to bid each other farewell. But it's never goodbye, only until we meet again.

That's it for today's blog update, and thanks for tuning in as always. Have a nice week ahead, cheers! :D

With Andy, Barry, and Hazel at the (staff) canteen, Beaumont :))
- ft. a rare 1920 note called "Reichsbanknote" in front of my plate -

With Amirah and Ice at "1784" Cafe in the main campus, St. Stephen's Green :))

Munch ado about nothing ^^

Ein Hundert Mark (One Hundred Marks)
- 1920 note from Hazel's inventory -

Roast chicken with roast potatoes and carrots
(I've discovered stuffing is free XD)

Jacket potato with a side of chips - dinner on a lazy Sunday...

Spice burgers with mash potatoes and kale - courtesy of my awesome host mom Emma! :D

Beaumont Hospital is getting into the Halloween theme now!


Baked salmon and vegetable mash, drowned in gravy
(believe me the gravy is very much necessary XD)

A rare look into the staff cafeteria :)

Finally received my certificate for being a Peer Led Tutor at RCSI
- I covered Fundamentals in Biomedicine 1 (FUN1) with Joshua last semester :)

A huge burrito bowl at Burritos and Blues - a long-term craving satisfied! ^^
(the red dots are form the hot sauce you can see on the left)

Microbiology Tutorials at the ERC Integrated Lab of the RCSI Smurfit Building

6 hot wings with fries and salad - at "1784" in the main campus :)

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