Sunday 30 June 2019

DAY 1020-1032

June 18-30

1) It really speaks volumes about the pace at which medical students are expected to study, when in my last blog post I was talking about the looming Forensics and Legal Medicine exams, and in this post I can reminisce about it like a long forgotten memory. Instead, this post is all about our Paediatrics rotation (for my group - Group B), as well as the weekend spent in Kuala Lumpur, promoting our college as part of our "Aspiring Doctors" event.

2) First off was the Forensics and Legal Medicine paper. It was two papers - consisting of 80 questions in total, and a mixture of MCQs and EMQs. I had spent the previous night unable to sleep well, as I really wanted to do well (by that I mean NOT fail) in my exams. Thankfully, the paper itself wasn't overly difficult, and before noon we had finished both papers. Time to celebrate, then. So it was off to Kyochon @ Gurney Plaza with my friends for post-exam celebrations. We ordered three batches of their signature fried chicken - original, garlic, and honey-flavoured. It was my first time trying out Kyochon and it was really quite good.

3) And then, barely two days after we had studied really hard for our exams, it was time to start our next rotation. In my case, I started off with Paediatrics. The whole week has been an introductory week, but there was nothing introductory about it. We've had lectures after lectures each day, with practical skills on Friday at Seberang Jaya Hospital (Clinical Skills Unit). I must say, however, that I'm thoroughly enjoying the rotation so far. I've not been in many rotations, but by far the doctors/surgeons/lecturers are the most understanding, systematic and organized people that I've encountered. We've had all lectures up on Moodle BEFORE the actual lectures (which is a miracle compared to some other rotations).

4) This Friday, after our whole day practical skills session at the Clinical Skills Unit (CSU), it was time to head off to Kuala Lumpur for the weekend. The RUMC van picked me up back at college, and I rode along with Eunice to Pullman KL Bangsar, which was the location of our next event - the "Aspiring Doctors" programme. Both Eunice and myself would be the emcees for the day, as well as take charge of the workshops in the afternoon, and finally share our own experience as a medical student thus far.

5) And in exchange for all that? We got an upgraded room with king size bed, buffet breakfast, lunch, and tea - plus an ultra comfy ride in the RUMC van from Penang to KL and back. A very small price to pay for a simple day's work. Plus I got to share my story, shamelessly promote my blog XD and take a day off studying, so as far as I'm concerned, it was a win-win situation. In addition to hearing from the Deans of RCSI and UCD respectively (Professor Hannah McGee for RCSI, and Professor Michael Keane for UCD, we also heard from two of the RUMC alumni (Dr. Nadia an RCSI alumni, and Dr. Raymond a UCD alumni) - who have since gone abroad and made their mark internationally before coming back to serve their country. It was a privilege to listen to everyone's journey through the medical profession, and they will definitely serve as inspiration for the future aspiring doctors.

6) In the afternoon, we had three workshops running concurrently - CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), blood pressure taking, and laporoscopic stacking. I was in charge of the CPR, while Eunice took over the blood pressure procedure. The participants were divided into three groups, and after 20 minutes they would rotate to the next workshop; thus giving everyone the opportunity to learn all three skills. I underestimated how tiring it would be to demonstrate proper CPR technique while also explaining to them what I was doing haha. At the end of the hour, we had to talk about our own experience as a medical student.

7) I was really happy with the overall flow of the event, and the fact that I was bombarded with question after question for the better part of an hour after the event ended is good indication of the success of the event. I was also pleasantly surprised that some of them actually discovered my blog before attending the event. It just made me so proud that there are people outside of my circle of friends and family that really do engage in my blog. So a huge thank you for those who do, and if you're new to the blog, do check out my other entries (carefully dated so that they provide a continuous insight into my medical student life).

8) Tomorrow I'll be in Penang General Hospital for the whole morning and afternoon, after which I might return to college for the dreaded MPU (General Studies). I'm also on-call tomorrow, which means I have to be back in hospital by 7pm, till at least 12am. It will be my first on-call, so although I know I'll be dead tired by the end of all this, I will have a lot of memories to look back on. That's it for this edition of my blog then, thanks as always for visiting, and have a nice week ahead. Cheers!

It was an honour to meet up with Professor Hannah McGee - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, RCSI

Post-exam de-stressing with friends - @ Kyochon (Korean Fried Chicken)

From l-r: Khee Heng, Nee Kee, Melissa, Melvin, Esther, Jason, Kuhan, Myself :)

 Original signature fried chicken at Kyochon @ Gurney Plaza

Honey glazed fried chicken was bursting with flavour, albeit a little oily compared to the other versions we tried :)

Kung pao squid rice set - very satisfying after a long day in school :D

Tried my first Grab Food delivery - right to your doorstep, PLUS there's free delivery for RM5 and above (selected outlets only)
super convenient for when you don't feel like or have time to go out...

Studying developmental milestones in a child
(Paediatrics rotation)

Spent the weekend in Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar
(what a way to be pampered XD)

All dressed up and ready to go XD

Buffet breakfast was an international affair - including regional favourites e.g. Malay, Chinese, and Indian cuisine, as well as international ones

Traditional nasi lemak (coconut-steamed rice) with a side of fish curry to begin :)

American breakfast with a bit of pasta and beef stew XD

A fluffy loaded omelette expertly prepared by the chefs

A wide selection of cheeses

Some waffles, pancakes, and bread pudding with vanilla sauce ^^

Delighted to have gotten Prof McGee to sign my autograph book, and for the pic as well :)

Buffet lunch was equally impressive, if not more so - just look at the dessert selection <3

Very beautiful plating

The RUMC Van - stopped for toilet break haha

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