Sunday 8 September 2019

DAY 1097-1102

Sept 3 - 8

1)    Welcome to Part 2 of my memorable journey back at home, as well as my second attempt at running the 21km “Merdeka Virtual Run”. My first attempt was botched thanks to a faulty running app, so I was determined to succeed this time around. Thankfully, everything worked out, and just as the sun rose, I had finished a GPS verified 21.2km running around my neighbourhood (Arena Kepayang). It is at this point that I should mention my dad took part in the 5km run as well, and we ran that distance very well the night before. It was great then, that we had both successfully completed our runs, and the medals have since been confirmed to have been shipped out to our home address.

2)    So what’s left for me to do then? You may think that I could finally rest and relax, but that wasn’t the case haha. I still had to go back to Penang one last time, to take my MPU TITAS final written exams. As I mentioned before, these exams are meant to be taken once and forgotten, so it was absolutely imperative that I take them now, to avoid having to take them again next year when I return from UK. Anyway, I’m happy to report that the exams weren’t overtly difficult, and that I’m FINALLY done with my exams. That same evening, my good friend Hong and myself went out for dinner, and he sent me to the bus station at Sungai Nibong – where I took the Sri Maju bus back to Ipoh. That’s the last I’ll see of Penang for a while.

3)    And now some time off with my relatives and friends back home. A few days back, my mom and I went to visit my maternal grandmother and grandfather at their house in First Garden. We afterwards went to Galaxy Tea Bar for some boba tea hotpot – a rather unique combination, but satisfying nonetheless haha. And yesterday, I had a surprise meet up with some of my long-lost friends from Anderson. I only just found out that they were back in Ipoh, so we went out for breakfast in Canning Garden. It was really nice catching up with them after so long, and to find out their current situation.

4)    And now, it’s time to talk about some food. I’ve always loved the food at a small Japanese restaurant called “Ten-good” (in Greentown Ipoh if you’re interested). So two days back, my mom and I went for dinner there. I had the omelette with brown sauce rice set, while my mom had the tonkotsu ramen. It might not look any different from the servings at other Japanese restaurants, but it really tastes different – absolutely delightful in my opinion. The other place I’ve really wanted to go for a long time was the cornershop in Bercham. It holds a special place in my heart because my mom, my cousin’s whole family, and myself – used to go to the Lost World of Tambun (water park) every Tuesday (we had an annual pass for only RM50). And right after, we’d go for a late dinner/supper at that particular restaurant.

5)    I especially remember the dry chilli pan mee with poached egg that I always had whenever we went there. So it was mandatory to order the same when we revisited the place yesterday. How times have changed though. The entire restaurant has undergone a facelift, but thankfully, the shop that sells the pan mee has remained, thus allowing me to relive my “childhood” memories haha. It is on this high note then, that I end today’s edition of my blog. In two days’ time, it will be bye-bye to Malaysia, and hello UK – as I embark on a one-year adventure doing my Masters in Clinical Neuroscience at King’s College London. Thanks very much for visiting as always, and have a lovely week ahead. Cheers!

Our very own Cator Avenue/Anderson reunion!
From l-r: Irsyad, Chan Xing Liang, Nicholas, Jon, Myself

After 21.1km and I need support to stand XD

In commemoration of our nation's 62nd Independence Day (that's not my house XD)

Our National and State flags - spotted at Jusco (Kinta City)

 Syuen Hotel for buffet lunch :)

I reckon I'll be having a lot of this in UK XD

 Some funky graffiti

 Can't remember the name of the stall but they sell a darn good cheese melt burger :)

"Farewell" dinner with Hong

Afters at US Pizza - on the way to Sg Nibong Bus Station

Sri Maju bus back to Ipoh - so long Penang (for a year)...

Pandan curry rice - at Wooley Food Court

With my cousin Joe Keong and her family - at a famous "wan ton mee" shop in Buntong

Galaxy Tea Bar Ipoh - at SOHO - staying true to its name

The mango dessert was really fancy with the dry ice "effects" and all :) (tasted really good too)

With my maternal grandmother and family :)

The newspaper-plastered walls and neon illuminated Chinese characters paint a quirky atmosphere

Mandatory selfie with mommy dearest

Tonkotsu ramen at Ten-Good

My omelette with brown sauce set <3 <3 <3

Absolutely out of this world delicious 10/10 would recommend haha

Banana french toast with vanilla ice-cream

Dim sum with friends - in Canning Garden

"Faux" banana leaf rice - just look at the size of all that!

That's the pan mee that I remember from my childhood :)

Even my granddad was all thumbs up :D

 Masala thosai at D' Naina Restaurant is best shared

Random photo with my parents ^^

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