Sept 16 - 21
1) This past couple days have been a flurry of activity for me, as I collected my Student ID card, made an appointment for my DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), collected my BRP (Biometric Residence Permit), opened a bank account at Lloyds, and basically settled in to my new environment. I'm obviously still very new to my surroundings, but I'm really happy with what I've accomplished in this short period of time.
2) The highlight over these few days would have to be the visit to the Strand Campus, and specifically the Maughan Library - with its Round Reading Room. And it's easy to see why - the setting resembles something out of a Harry Potter movie. But that's not all - it's the over 750, 000 item collection of books, the approximately 170, 000 items in the special collections, and the fact that this is the largest new university library in the UK since World War II - that make it unique. It is therefore very comforting to note that I have full access to this library, as well as those of the other campuses at King's (including the libraries of other universities under the University of London).
3) So far, the weather is holding up really well. Compared to Ireland, the temperature here feels about the in general (for this time of month), with the exception that Dublin feels less sunny overall. Granted, I've only been here two weeks so I'm not in a position to comment haha. Hopefully the weather continues to be bright and sunny throughout, although that seems highly unlikely.
4) Our course starts next Thursday, and we've only just received our IT access to KEATS (basically King's equivalent to the MOODLE webpage) that gives us access to the timetable and schedules. So I'll try my best to get everything sorted before that, in order for me to focus on my studies once the semester begins. The benefit of being part of such a large and comprehensive university is the myriad of clubs and societies that are available for signing up. Literally any club or society under the Sun is available here, and if there isn't we are more than welcome to propose the formation of said club.
5) I haven't had the chance to sign up for many clubs yet, but will do so when they become available online. As it is, I'm really keen on starting my course of study and research at King's, and I look forward to writing more about it as time passes. For now, thanks very much for visiting, and enjoy the pictures below. Have a nice day, cheers! :D
The Round Reading Room at the Maughan Library is easily the most impressive library I've come across thus far :)

King's College Residences @ Champion Hill
Denmark Hill Campus
The entrance to my on-campus accommodation

The map to my residences - I'm in Rowan (B-125)
Pizza event at our residence - as part of Welcome Week for Freshers ^^
Way too many people in one single area IMO haha
That's Bhumil and Greg, whom I met at the pizza event :)
Stairs up the Platanes building
Bought a nice duvet in anticipation of the colder months :)
Trying out buffet for the first time in London - at Noodles City
For £6.99, not a bad deal at all :)
A slurpee cuz why not?
Costa for breakfast today :)
The Fox on the Hill (JD Wetherspoons) - literally on top of the hill @ Denmark Hill
Bush House - previously the headquarters of the BBC, now owned by King's College London ;)
Finally a Masters student XD
(Collected my Student ID Card at Bush House)
Bush House today to collect my Student ID Card
Welcome to King's mat
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE Campus)
St. Clement Danes Church, the Strand
Lord Dowding memorial
LSE Campus
The Royal Courts of Justice - it seems like everything can be found in these area (the Strand)!
Arguably the most impressive of all of King's many libraries - the Maughn Library
Pronounced "Mawn", the Maughan Library is the largest new university library in the UK since WWII
Confucius statue just outside the library
The famed Round Reading Room is arguably the most impressive part of the library :)
Instantly feel smarter just being in here XD
The Australia House - completely unrelated, but hugely imposing smack in the middle of the junction
So today I attended an introduction session on "Unconscious Bias" at Waterloo Campus :)
Butterfly Walk
Today's special is roasted duck and chicken on fried rice - very impressive for just £6
Finally, a picture in front of the IOPPN
(Institute of Psychiatry, Pyschology, and Neuroscience)
Colourful way to remember what the focus is on this campus XD
What could be more iconic than a red telephone box in London?
(I've actually noticed some rough sleepers in them before!)
At King's Waterloo Campus for my BRP application today...
Finally, a view of the restaurant of the Franklin-Wilkins Building (the Student Union (KCLSU) is on the right)
Something's cooking and it smells really good
Vegetarian chickpea and lentil curry, served with pickled cabbage on a bed of rice
The namesake of the Franklin-Wilkins Building - Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins
Library opening times :)
Inside the (slightly less impressive, compared to the Maughan Library) Franklin-Wilkins library
Notice my name haha
Really glad that I had the foresight to set up my account - so now I can print using my Student ID
Now to see the library at my campus at Denmark Hill (the IOPPN)
Not a bad view at all :)
Attending another session, this time on Cultural Competency
I never knew a black cat is considered GOOD LUCK in the UK!
Really nice food here - there's roast lamb with potato dauphinoise and mixed veggies for just £5
From l-r: Wendy, Mavis, Ling, Sai, Adhi, Lee, Myself
(Sai's a doctor from Burma, Adhi's a doctor from Indonesia, and the rest excluding myself are from China) (Both Sai and myself are in the same cohort - the rest are in various disciplines at the IOPPN)
Nothing like coming early and being productive...
Turkey schnitzel with a HUGE scoop of mash potato and cabbage for lunch :)
The mixed mezze from Falafel & Shawarma never fails to satisfy
A selection of pizzas from Papa Johns and Dominoes to officiate the opening of the KCLSU (Student Union) at our Denmark Hill campus
Our very own social space which took 6 months to complete
Just gonna leave some more photos of the Round Reading Room here haha
A panoramic view of the cafeteria at Franklin-Wilkins Building of the Waterloo Campus
A panoramic view of the IOPPN library at the Denmark Hill Campus
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