Sunday 15 September 2019

DAY 1103-1109

Sept 9 - 15

1) And so, I'm finally here - in London, UK. The days leading up to my departure were less exciting than I would have preferred. For starters, I was down with a sore throat (or strep throat, call it whichever you like). I tried my best to self-remedy, but with limited success. Anyway, on the day of departure, my family came along with me to KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) and very kindly waited with me for several hours before my boarding. We had our customary meal at McDonald's (somehow it's become a tradition haha), and then it was finally time to board. And that's when it hit me that I would not see my family for another year. It's never a nice feeling - it was somewhat suppressed last time when I left for Ireland as I had my new friends to talk to, but this time I was going all alone. So I said my goodbyes and duly boarded the plane to Dubai, where there was a four-hour layover.

2) I spent most of my time sleeping on the aeroplane, and before I knew it, we were touching down in Heathrow Airport, London. I'd been there once with my family when we went for our Europe Trip seven long years ago. After passing through customs and security checks etc, I grabbed a cab to my hotel for the next two nights - Church Street Hotel, located near Camberwell Green. As I was too early to check in, I stored my luggage at the hotel and went walking around the area. After a simple lunch at KFC (they have £1.99 meals!), I came back to check in. The room was small but fully furnished. On the first night, I walked around the park, ending all the way up to Denmark Hill (where King's College Hospital, The Maudsley Hospital, and the IOPPN (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience) are located).

3) The second day, it was time for our postgraduate orientation at King's Waterloo Campus. I took the 168 bus to my destination, and walked across to the Franklin-Wilkins Building. After registering, we were given a wristband (for those without a Student ID), and went into the Auditorium. We had briefings on visa rules and regulations, DBS checks, living and integrating into UK, and some ice breaking sessions. After a nice lunch at the restaurant upstairs, we were broken into smaller groups for more "games" and activities. Finally, we rounded up the day by walking over to the Strand Campus on the opposite side of the Thames - where there were some food and refreshments provided. We also got a chance to meet Reggie the Lion - the official mascot for King's XD. That was basically the whole day in a nutshell.

4) On the third day, I had an early breakfast at Love Walk Cafe (as recommended by Trip Advisor), before checking out of my hotel. I had already booked a spot for checking in to my new on-campus accommodation at King's Residences at Champion Hill. At this point comes possibly my greatest and proudest achievement possibly ever - lugging my 30kg luggage and 12kg knapsack all the way up (from Church Street Hotel) Champion Hill - a distance of almost 2km! It was a good thing that I had a full English breakfast - for I probably burned up all the calories from the food, and then some! By the time I reached the top, I felt like a true "champion"! Anyway, I was really glad to make it in time, and I was shown to my room (B-125 by the way) and the facilities i.e. kitchen, lounge, laundry room etc.

5) For the rest of the day, I have been making trips to the local Sainsbury's - for basic amenities such as my pillow, mugs, some spoons, a bath mat etc. I'm really happy with my new room - it's extremely clean and has loads of storage space; basically everything that I would ever want or need. I have some more activities and freshers' events to attend soon enough, so I'll write about them in the next post. In the meantime, thanks so much for visiting as always, and enjoy the pics! Have a lovely week ahead, cheers :)

Finally made it - to King's College London :)

The next fifteen or so pictures are of achingly beautiful lantern decorations - made for competition in conjunction with the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)

Mid-Autumn Festival lanterns display (competition) at Aeon

Some of these are unbelievably beautiful!

If not mistaken, there were a few categories - this should be the open category (the others were secondary and primary school, respectively)

Dragon dance performance

What a brilliant design - scenery inside a teapot!

Lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop, Ipoh Parade

With dad and gramps :)

Final lunch before departing to KL - at Y Food Box Restaurant
(Steamed egg, claypot tofu (beancurd), fried pork in special sauce)

Our last lunch together for a good while :(

Final photo in front of my home - will be back next year!

At KLIA - apparently a Mclaren 570S was up for grabs in a lucky draw of sorts!

Honestly, even if I was that lucky to win one, I would not know how to drive it and might probably crash - so better to sell it off at the earliest and collect interest in the bank (or invest in property haha)

Absolutely stunning design, though!

62nd Independence for our country

Dinner at the airport McDonald's - few hours before boarding...

My mommy likes to call this our "lucky McDonald's" - as we have a tendency of eating here everytime I go somewhere or come back from somewhere... <3

Big Mac ^^

It's never over till dessert - three vanilla cones and one chocolate-dipped one for the guy going abroad

Just before boarding - will transit at Dubai (for 4 HOURS!) before departing for Heathrow, London

I don't know why some people are repulsed by on-flight food, I personally love the aeroplane food
(some really thick cuts of fish in tomato sauce, served with wedges and veggies)

Transit for four hours at Dubai International Airport

Finally, arrived at Heathrow Airport, London

Camberwell Green - where I'll be spending my first two nights (at a nearby hotel)

Church Street Hotel - quaint and lovely place to spend my first few nights in London

My room :)

St. Gile's Church, Camberwell

The Crooked Well - closed unfortunately...

Some random beautiful houses...

Got lost after a fair bit of walking XD

The Aylesham Centre

The Peckham Library - where I tried to pilfer their wifi to find my way back, but was denied access XD

Peckham Fire Station

Very beautiful design - Camberwell College of Arts

Lucas Gardens

The lounge at my hotel - complimentary coffee and tea :)

Camberwell Green Park at night - with a full moon

Maudsley Hospital at night

The Maudsley Hospital - a psychiatric hospital

Bought dinner/supper from the shop just next to my hotel
- the mixed mezza platter -

Left is where I am headed to...

BFI IMAX - basically a brilliant cineplex with Britain's largest screen!

At my destination - King's College London!

I didn't realise BPP Law School was right opposite the Franklin-Wilkins Building of King's College London

Franklin-Wilkins Building - where we had our postgraduate orientation today

International Orientation about to start

The Student Union of KCL

The "boring bit" - visas and paperwork...

Food vouchers - free food is always welcome

What's cooking doc?

Battered cod and chips

As you can see from the map, Malaysia is actually quite well represented!

Wristband as I haven't collected my Student ID card yet

Somerset House, yet another iconic building acquired by King's in 2009

Somerset House

That's Reggie the Lion - King's official mascot - kinda feel his mane is somewhat lacking, and his ears are not protruding

All is forgiven when there's good food

Group photo with my fellow postgraduate friends :)

Too bad the evening Sun was shining right in my face

London buses

Beautiful graffiti

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee;
His eyes can't hit what his hands can't see 
- Muhammad Ali

The Maudsley in the daytime

Maudsley Hospital, one of the many hospitals affiliated with King's

Trip Advisor recommended Love Walk Cafe - and it's easy to see why (people started trickling in even before they were fully opened for service)

That's the full English for me, then

A nice pot of breakfast tea

Absolutely delightful breakfast - with some of the crunchiest and most fragrant buttered sourdough toast I've ever tried
(I later found out that everyone else who ordered the full English asked for a poached egg instead - I need to find out why haha)

Finally moved in to my on-campus accommodation

Honoured (and fortunate haha) to receive a nice King's notebook (not the computer tho XD)

The corridor leading to my room (B-125)

Big Ben

Dig In Box - a welcome sight when you've just moved in

Everything was spotless - very happy to have my own en-suite room

That's basically what I walked into when I moved in

Champion Hill shirt kinda reminds me of the Dunhill logo (perhaps because both end in "hill")

Sainsbury's - I'd come back to get stuff here frequently

Pillows, toilet rolls, and a bath mat - 1st trip to Sainsbury's checked

Ordered takeaway from a shop called "Different Taste" - egg fried rice with chicken curry - large portions for an affordable price - basically every student's dream :)

Bath mat and liquid soap

Bed and pillow cover from home

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