Friday 12 August 2016

My Stint as a Teacher!

The past nine months have been agony for me. Waiting for a reply from my applications to do medicine was mentally draining, and to top it all off, I was bored out of my wits! Seeing this, my dad recommended that I seek out a part time job. As most of my friends were already working either part time or full, I decided that I would look for one as well.

As I was desperately searching, a good friend of mine informed me of a job vacancy as a temporary teacher at SMJK Ave Maria Convent (AMC), Ipoh. It turned out that the present Chemistry teacher was on maternity leave and would be off for three months. As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. And so without much hesitation, I agreed to it.

After a simple interview with the principal, Ms Liew, I was approved and began work the very next day! Thus began my first real "job" as a Chemistry teacher at AMC. I was in charge of five classes - four Form 4 and one Form 5 class.

The five classes that I taught

Teaching Chemistry to secondary students has taught me a great deal of things. Firstly, it made me aware of how complex the role of a teacher is. As a teacher, you not only have to know the syllabus inside out, but you also have to be able to disseminate information in a way that the students can understand and follow easily. Not to mention different students learn at different rates; some are more self-motivated than others. Some go for tuition classes while some don't. All of this made teaching a very challenging, but altogether rewarding, affair.

Secondly, I learnt how to be friendly and inviting, while still being assertive. It is a constant juggle for teachers to be kind and accommodating to their students, yet commanding respect and obedience when needed. This is especially true during the many experiments that we had, where safety comes first. Suffice to say, I've learnt how to control a large crowd and to capture their attention so that they are focused on my lesson.

Thirdly, I improved my social communication skills. Prior to teaching, I was a rather quiet and withdrawn person, who didn't socialise very well. But when I came to AMC, I was amazed by how friendly and open the fellow teachers were towards me. They chatted with me, asked me where I came from, and some even offered me food! This essentially got rid of my fear to mingle, and I started talking animatedly with them. The more friends I made, the more welcome I felt at AMC, and this gave me extra motivation to do my best.

Lastly, I learnt how to manage my time efficiently. I had to take time off to prepare notes and experiments for my students, while also dedicating enough time to revise on anatomy and physiology, as I prepared for my admission interview for medicine. I fondly recall the sheer amount of pressure on me to finish marking five classes' worth of examinations papers, so that I could key in the marks in time. While I would be lying if I said it wasn't stressful, all the hard work eventually paid off. I became adept at spending time wisely, and learnt not to procrastinate in life.

After three months, I had to stop teaching as I am leaving soon for Ireland, to pursue my studies as a medical student. Although it was but for three months, the lessons learnt, as well as the memories made, will likely follow me for the rest of my life. It was a great experience overall, and I look forward to more of the same in the future!

With Ms. Liew Swee Fong, 
Principal of SMJK Ave Maria Convent, Ipoh 



  1. It was a pleasure having you with us in AMC, Mr Chan Weng Kit. The camaraderie n bond that you share with both the students n fellow colleagues will surely be etched in your memory n ours. I believe that you will make an outstanding n caring doctor cos you have the right attitude for it. All the best as you spread your Wengs n Fly! Ms Liew

    1. Thank you very much Ms Liew, for the kind words. I will definitely come back to visit when time permits, and crossing my fingers I will become a kind and compassionate doctor in the future! Take care and best regards from the other side of the world haha
