Friday 6 October 2017

DAY 399/400/401

Oct 4, 5 & 6

1) Three more days have passed, and three more days' worth of activities to talk about. First and foremost, my conquest at Boojum has finally ended, culminating with my triumphant victory in the form of an official Boojum T-shirt! The envy of many a student, this special tee is only available after collecting 40 stamps on their loyalty card. That, or you could just buy it, although where's the fun in that? And as with many things in life, once a chapter ends, another one begins... So begins my next journey to get yet another one, so that I have one for mum and dad should they come visit next summer.

2) Another trip to Dicey's this Wednesday. At this point, even the two servers know each one of us. Melvin, Melissa, and Kuhan decided against going to Dicey's; they went to Burritos and Blues to try out their luck instead (flip a coin, win a burrito challenge). Also, special shoutout to Uzair Malik and Talal, who actually approached me to be in my blog. Lots of appreciation for that, guys!

3) Arguably the most important event was today's one - the Bake Sale co-organised by UNICEF and RCSI Caribbean Society (CAS). All proceeds would go to charity, in aid of the victims of Hurricane Irma - a Category 5 hurricane that caused widespread damage and destruction particularly in parts of the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. While the Bake Sale was on the whole day, I went over to man the stands around noon. It was very touching to see many so many students contributing to a good cause, and many of them gave extra/ would not accept the change that we returned to them.

4) Tomorrow is another exciting adventure for me - as I'll be joining the Class Trip to the Cliffs of Moher. We managed to get a bargain of a deal, as our ticket cost only €25 - compared to the usual €40-50 deal. Looking forward to a lovely trip, with lots of pics to follow. That has been my blog update, and thank you for tuning in. Have a great weekend, and see you in the next one. Cheers!

RCSI CAS-UNICEF Bake Sale - to raise money in aid of Hurricane Irma victims

The definition of hard work and sacrifice XD

Even the server was all smiles for me ^^

The spoils of victory :)

RCSI friends :D

The most candid photo you'll ever see

Bake sale in the New Academic Building

The cookies were simply amazing!

My contribution to the cause - €5 for a fantastic marshmallow leaden cream cupcake, and Rocky Road dessert

Posing for SnapChat advertising
(I realise I'm not model material, but hey - free promo no? XD)

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