Saturday 28 October 2017

DAY 421/422/423

Oct 26, 27 & 28

1) So many events have transpired this couple of days. For starters, RCSI Model United Nations Society had their first introductory event, at TR5 of the main building. Yours truly helped out with the presentation of what MUN is, and the different stages of the conference. It was a really diverse audience that we had - some had good MUN experience, others had experience without participating, and yet others had no prior experience. All in all, it was a successful event, and hopefully the start of many more to come.

2) Yesterday, our PMC Sports Day began! Put simply, it was RCSI versus UCD across several disciplines. Some of the sports include archery, volleyball, netball, badminton, squash, basketball, frisbee, futsal, table tennis, and even DOTA! (that's a MOBA online game). Most of the events would be held at UCD, and I was fortunate enough to be drafted into Ultimate Frisbee, along with several others. Our match against UCD was scheduled for 8.00pm, at their sports hall. A simple 5 v 5, 20 minutes game, with the highest scoring team declared the winner. It was a really intense game, but in the end UCD prevailed. Kudos to everyone for doing their best and for fair play throughout. Sports Day continues today, and I'll update with the rest of the results after the outcomes have been decided.

3) Today was a tiring day for me. I was required to collect my Race Pack for the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon, which is on tomorrow. So I got off at the Ranelagh LUAS station, and carried on foot to the Royal Dublin Society, Ballsbridge. It was not a short distance, and soon I began regretting carrying so much stuff in my bag. Towards the end, I had to ask for help as I could not find the exact location. Luckily, a passerby was also heading to collect his Race Pack, so we walked there together. Basically, there was a large EXPO at the venue, with many stalls set up. Some stalls promoted official race merchandise, while others promoted other marathons.

4) I wasted no time queueing up for registration. After receiving our Race Pack, I started exploring the other stalls. There were lots of sports equipment for sale; shoes, race wear, accessories, and even free food gel samples. Outside the EXPO, two cars were parked, displaying the time remaining until the race officially began. I took many pictures, before heading back to the LUAS station - now with an additional load to carry. After close to an hour, I was back at the station, where I took the tram back to the college library. I've been holed up there since, trying to recuperate and mentally prepare myself for tomorrow's big event. Hopefully, if everything goes smoothly, I'll be able to add yet another feather in my cap (that's an idiomatic phrase, and a cliche one at that). Wish me luck, and enjoy the LITHANY of pictures down below. Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend. Cheers!

Dublin Marathon Race EXPO, at Royal Dublin Society :))
(less than a day to go)

No, I didn't do this.
Yes, it was very well made.
(Found in the library)

Halloween decorations in AK Henry's on point

So are the decorations at the library...

And the decor on the Ground Floor of the New Academic Building

Skeletons, bats and pumpkins... ^^

Trying to explain what Model United Nations is...
(RCSI MUNC's inaugural event)

Registration Form

Singlet for tomorrow's marathon ^^

Go RCSI!! :D

The blurrest wefie ever

Also the wierdest wefie ever. See how far my hand is outstretched? XD

Chicken rice with soup, courtesy of UCD

Walking from the LUAS stop to RDS to collect my Race Pack

Not too sure what it was, so why not take a pic?

After much complaining, here we are - Royal Dublin Society, venue of the Race EXPO

Inside the EXPO

Chance to make your mark in history - literally!

Free GEL sampling - sounds weird but tasted great!

Race medals for the Longford Marathon

Longford Marathon booth

Race medals for the Cork City Marathon

Cork City Marathon booth

"Have we finished yetttt?" 
A question I envision myself asking umpteen times tomorrow...

Past finishers' shirts

Past medals

Dublin Marathon - a.k.a. the "Friendly Marathon"

Posing behind the Dublin Marathon logo

Less than a day left!! :^)

Silently grumbling at the thought of having to walk back to the LUAS station 
with all this stuff burdening me down

SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon 2017 here I come...

Welcome to Ranelagh

Ranelagh LUAS stop

Waiting for the tram to come

Still waiting for the tram to come

All the goodies in the Race Pack

Couldn't resist having something sinfully good...

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