1) So much has happened these past few
days. First, the nation was rocked with what was the worst tropical storm in 56
years - Hurricane Ophelia. On Sunday evening, Met Eireann issued a Red Warning
(the highest warning available) for the whole country, effective from 6am on
Monday ahead of Hurricane Ophelia hitting Irish shores. Apparently, the
hurricane transitioned into a post-tropical storm when it hit Ireland early on
Monday morning.
2) Violent and destructive gusts of 120 to 150km/h wreaked havoc nationwide, leaving plenty of damage, disruption, and death in their wake. Unfortunately, three deaths were reported; one in Waterford, Tipperary, and Louth respectively - due to the tropical storm. ESB Networks is beginning the massive task of restoring electricity supplies to 450,000 homes and businesses left without power in the wake of Storm Ophelia. The operation is likely to take several days.
3) By the time the storm hit Dublin, it had lost much of its impact. As a result, many of my friends (myself included) were left wondering where the storm/ hurricane was. Sure - there were some really strong gusts of wind, but other than that, and a couple of fallen trees, the damage was minimal compared to some other counties. Thank our lucky stars then :) All schools, public transport (including LUAS and bus services) were down on Monday, and RCSI remained closed on Tuesday while they ascertained the safety of the premises.
4) As a result, we missed our JC3 Outbreak Quiz, which was scheduled for Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, my friends and I were supposed to present our research poster at Beaumont (immediately after our Quiz), but that has since been postponed to next Tuesday. More time to study, I suppose.
5) Today (Wed) was also my group's Heart Saver session. I had to be present at 8.00am, which meant waking up in the wee hours of the morning. And today was especially cold (~4 degrees Celsius) which made getting out of bed even harder... Anyway, we learnt some essential practical skills - CPR, using an AED, and the Heimlich manoeuvre (or abdominal thrusts) - in both adults and children. After four hours, we were done. Thankfully, we had only one more lesson after that - which was after lunch. Personally, I still had a small group tutorial at 4pm. Anyway, that has been a brief recap of the past couple of days, and hopefully you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for visiting, and as always, have a good one. Cheers! :D
The irony of using UCD equipment in RCSI...
Buffet at Global Cuisine - Dundrum Town Centre
Rainbow on the same day as Hurricane Ophelia...
I suppose RCSI was on a shortage so they had to borrow UCD's XD
Adult dummies on which to practice our CPR/ first aid skills
Sports Direct trip was for nought as I couldn't find what I was looking for ):
The Spire

At least Butler's Chocolate more than made up for it :D
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