1) As we approach the last month of our semester, the race has well and truly begun. The race to finish the rest of the syllabus, to get some revision done, and to brace oneself for the onslaught of sleepless nights ahead. At least that's the plan. On the bright side, in another month's time we'll be practically finished with our exams save for one final one on the 9th. Then it's three months of holiday beckoning us with open arms.
2) I've found this semester to have been a significant change compared to the previous semesters. A shift of focus from anatomy and embryology (the "normal" human body) to pathology and microbiology (the "abnormal" human body). It has taken a while to adapt, but hopefully things will fall into place when I sit for the upcoming exams. As it is, the effects of the new semester have already left its mark - I'm well aware of the relatively fewer blog updates I now do compared to the previous semesters. I just have been stretched with various commitments and refuse to compromise my health.
3) Speaking of health, I'm off to Manchester this Saturday to run the Greater Manchester Marathon 2018 in aid of the Children Adventure Farm Trust - a registered charity that provides holidays and activities for terminally ill, chronically sick, disabled and disadvantaged children from all over the Northwest of England. I've been collecting donations both in person and on-line, so for those who are interested I'll be putting the link just below:
Every little is much appreciated, thanks! :)
4) On Easter Eve, I came back home to find a lovely card, along with a package of chocolate eggs and a huge chocolate bunny! My host family had very kindly slipped it there while I was out. In return, I decided to surprise them with a card of my own, which I strategically placed on the dining table with some chocolate eggs as paperweights. Picking up the mechanical pencil to draw - rather than write lines upon lines of drug names - felt strangely cathartic after such a long time. Suffice to say, my host family were very happy with the card, and it now occupies a space on top of the shelf in the living room.
That has been the gist of the past week. Wish me luck for the upcoming marathon - I'll definitely need it! Here's hoping the weather doesn't get overly cold... thanks for visiting my blog and have a lovely weekend ahead. Cheers!
My Easter Greetings Card to Emma and family :)
Easter Greetings! ^^
Came back on Saturday to find this on my pillow! :)
Chocolate egg
My studiesssssssssssssss
Canteen food two days in a row,
as I couldn't use the microwaves in the student lounge...
Emma made this LOVELY meal for me for Easter! <3<3
They look soooo cute :)
Chocolate bunny
From 3-D to 2-D

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