Saturday 8 September 2018

DAY 733-736

Sept 4-8

1) It has been about a week since I've begun Intermediate Cycle 2 (IC2) here in RCSI. This also marks a week past the two years since I've set foot in Dublin. Two years in which I have not returned to Malaysia, and two years living independently. And what a story it has been :)

2) In this week alone we have by and large covered our first module: Tropical Medicine. It's a small module relative to the other three, with only 2.5 credits allocated. However, I've found this module to be particularly interesting, partly due to the relevance it has with Malaysia as a tropical country. It has also broadened my perception of healthcare, as tropical health specialists and consultants recount their personal experiences deep in the rural parts of the world. Many of them have even had personal encounters with these tropical diseases.

3) It has been a nice start to the week, albeit a little tiring. Having to wake up for 8 or 9am lectures is difficult; maintaining concentration throughout the day until late evening is extra difficult. Thankfully, the lecturers are aware of this and try to shake things up a little with small group discussions and even an end-of-module quiz.

4) For this semester, there is a lot of content as we strive to wrap up the Pre-Clinical stage of our course. In the following semester (back home in Malaysia), we shall begin the Clinical stage which requires actual patient contact and rotations. As of now, I'll do my utmost best and hope for the best, as always. That's all for today's blog - thanks for tuning in, and have a nice day. Cheers! :D

Everyone's back, and enjoying a nice lunch at the hospital canteen :)

Salmon with a side of chips and cabbage

l-r: Me, Kuhan, Toto, Joey, Zi Yan
(lunch is the best time of the day for me XD)

Trying to fit everyone in the shot!

Toasted baguette with pesto chicken, hard boiled egg and cheddar cheese - from the new cafe at the Smurfit Building!

As you can see - "Adolf Hitler" is on top in this end-of-module quiz
(*Spoilers* - this person actually won the quiz overall!)
As they say in Ireland - fair play to you mate!

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