Sunday 9 September 2018

DAY 737

Sept 9

1) So, free from the shackles of an infectious disease, I am free to travel as I please again. And where better to go than the city centre? I had to buy medication from the pharmacy first, and after that it was the 27B bus to Eden Quay, as usual. I then proceeded to have buffet (my first in a while) lunch, and thereafter it was a nice stroll to the RCSI library. 

2) I haven't visited the library for more than a month, so it felt very good to be back. I used to spend the entire semester last year holed up in a particular spot in the library - studying till the wee hours of the night. I've also tried to cover some of the lectures next week, but without much success. I've found out that my attention span isn't good, and I easily get distracted after a while. 

3) On the bright side, it was nice seeing many familiar faces in the library - including our friends from the cohort below us. As you may know, they do not come to Beaumont (where we have our lectures) until the following year. So it was nice to meet up and chat with them. I went back a bit later than usual on Saturday (past nine), and finished that last bit of study for the day.

4) Today has been a relatively mundane day in the Beaumont Library. I came here in the morning, and have been here for the entire day. In the evening, I wanted to get dinner at the cafe downstairs, only to find that it was closed. Then I checked Northside, hoping to get a Subway or something - only to find that it was closing in half an hour. The last option was KFC - not that I was complaining. 

5) Halfway through my meal, I was approached by some rather friendly primary kids. They had been here for a while, a whole group unsupervised. They sat next to me, asking me where I came from and why I was here. Initially they thought I was a tourist, and then I explained that I had actually been studying here for a while. After a while, they left - leaving behind a rather fine mess of leftovers.

6) Anyway, I returned to the hospital, helped someone access the backdoor in (my RCSI keycard is OP if I'm honest, able to access many many keycard only areas) and made my way back to the library. That has been my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for visiting, and have a great day. Cheers! :)

The statue of Molly Malone - with a rather fancy black hat!
(I honestly don't know if it means anything)

Buffet lunch food haha

It's certainly been a while... ^^

Apple crumble with vanilla ice cream is just the perfect harmony of flavours!

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