Sunday 16 September 2018

DAY 740-745

Sept 12-17

1) Yet another week has passed, and with it we've accomplished a lot. For a start, Fresher's Week is well and truly underway. In actual fact, it's a fortnight of activity rather than a week's! So everyday is something new for the newcomers to RCSI, with each club/society taking turns to organise events to get to know everyone better.

2) The RCSI Cancer Society (in which I am fortunate enough to be Co-President) organised its own event as well - our very own Pink Party! Held at Opium (restaurant, bar, nightclub), all ticket sales go to charity (specifically Breast Cancer Ireland in aid of research). Before the event, we were given a chance to promote our society during the Clubs and Societies Sign-Up Day - which coincidentally was held on the same day.

3) Unfortunately, Sign-Up Day coincided with a majority of our lectures (for the IC2 students). This meant that the initial setting up and manning of the booth was done by the other committee members (who did an amazing job!). After our lessons at 5.30pm, I took the next bus to Eden Quay, got dinner, then took over the hour or so. There was a really vibrant atmosphere at the Sports Hall, with all the fresh new faces, and also the beautiful decor all around. Not to mention all the food and snacks in between!

4) We had over a hundred register interest in our societies - a fact that I'm really proud of. We also managed to sell a lot of tickets, and with everything else in place, there was only one thing left to do. The party would start at around 11pm, and the last bus home for me (from the city to Beaumont where I live) would be 11.30pm. There was literally no use going there for 15 minutes and then leaving; either I go the full monty or not go at all.

5) Now those who know me well will know that I'm not the party-type of person, but I decided to go regardless, because a) I didn't want to not go to a party organised by a society which I was committee of; b) it would most likely be the last time I would experience this type of atmosphere in Dublin (I don't expect to do this in Malaysia). So there was still the problem of what to do with the transport back - then I asked my friends if anyone was willing to let me spend the night at their place.

6) I was indeed fortunate that I had such kind friends who let me stay over at their house, so with that sorted, I went for the party with everyone. It was all great craig, although I abstained from any alcohol (hepatotoxicity is a real side effect of the medication that I'm currently on, secondary to my abysmal tolerance XD). At around half past one, we hired a six-seater back to my friends' house, where I spent the night.

7) Here's the thing - we had class the next day, at nine! Despite my best efforts, I made it at half past, only to find the attendance sheets being filled up. Thankfully, the sheets were left unattended even after the lectures, which allowed for some tempering with... As we were off Friday, the rest of the week has been mostly just me studying in the library, trying to catch up with the week's lectures as usual. That'll be it for this edition of my blog, thanks for visiting as always, and have a lovely week ahead. Cheers! :)

Clubs & Socs Sign-Up Day 2018!!!

Our lovely booth :))

All the sweet treats (plus laptop on the right for people to sign up!)
No sign up no food XD (jkjk)

If that spot of light were any closer I could star in a Colgate advert...

At Opium

Thanks so much guys for letting me spend the night over! <3

Lunch with my Trinidad & Tobago friends
(l-r: Myself, Joshua, Ishtar, Sarita)

If there's ever been a more clear cut case of psychotic tendency, I've yet to see it XD

Grilled salmon with roast potatoes and mixed vegetables - what a great combo :)

Vegetarian pie, with peas and chips - and a generous dollop of mayo :))

Pasta bolognese with a huge portion of corn - I simply love the colour contrast here ^^

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