Monday 5 February 2018

DAY 521-525

Feb 3 - 7

1) On Saturday (Feb 5), an entourage of RCSI students attended the inaugural Student Medical Summit 2018 - held at the UCD Science Hub building. It was the first time many of us had been that part of the campus, and according to some of our friends at UCD - it is one of the most impressive. Essentially, this one-day conference consisted of an undergraduate poster presentation competition, as well as several keynote speeches from prominent figures across the country.

2) I reached early and registered, before setting up my research poster at the designated area. There would be two rounds of judging, to reduce personal bias. We had 15 minutes to present and answer any questions. Before we knew it, judging was over - after which eight finalists would be shortlisted. The finalists would be given five minutes' presentation time, and a further two minutes Q and A session.

3) After our first keynote speech, the finalists were announced. Among us, Melissa would be progressing to be finals! We proceeded to have lunch in the hallway, before returning to Moore Auditorium to support our friend. It was an exciting session, with some really interesting research presentations. The judges went out to deliberate, while the last keynote speaker gave us his talk on 'obesity'. As the event drew to a close, the judges reached a verdict - Melissa was the inaugural champion! Congratulations are in order :D

4) We stayed back for a while after, to enjoy some finger food and free flow of drinks (i.e. alcohol). As the sky became dark, we made our way back - for me, it was a long way back to Eden Quay, and from there, another bus change to Beaumont. Anyway, that has been a summary of the past couple of days, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Have a nice day, cheers!

Group pic with everyone. Awesome job guys :D

Congratz Mel!! :))

It was a really impressive building (a bit cold though tbh)

Nice way to kick-start the day :)

Another group photo cuz why not XD

Unique structure

Lunch would not be complete without dessert

Lunch is served!

Post-conference party

Finger foods and wine

At the 'old' Student Centre, capping off a long day

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