Sunday 18 February 2018

DAY 537

Feb 18-20

1) After spending the night with some friends, I went back to RCSI to register for the third and last day of the International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students (ICHAMS) 2018. The schedule for today was as follows - Poster Session B, Oral Session C, Keynote 3, Lunch, Poster Session C, Workshop, Oral Session D, Tea Break, Keynote 4, followed by the Closing Ceremony and optional Black Tie Dinner.

2) I spent most of the morning rehearsing for my poster presentation after lunch (Poster Session C - 13.00-14.30). During lunch, we had the opportunity to listen to research carried out by past students of the RCSI Collaborative Research: The John Bradley Clinical Research Summer School, Michael Garron Hospital, Toronto. Quite a number of my Canadian friends had taken part last year, and were presenting their posters today. It was thoroughly entertaining listening to each one of their research focuses, and to appreciate the rich diversity of projects available to candidates.

3) At 13.00, the judges came over to do their rounds. I was one of the first to be assessed - 3 minutes speaking time, with 2 minutes for questions. Before I knew it, I was wrapping up and being bombarded with questions. I tried to answer as best I could, and they nodded in approval. Job done, I thought. As I opened a bag of crisps and stared at another poster - in a vain attempt to prevent myself from overthinking about my just concluded presentation - I was approached by two girls, Hazel and Meghan. Apparently they had been following my blog too, and we had a nice chat about my research projects last summer.

4) At 14.30, I went for the second workshop: Workshop G - Physio in high-caliber athletics. Mr Aidan Woods (Head Physiotherapist at the inaugural European Games 2015 in Baku and the London 2012 Olympics) gave the presentation, going through some practical examples - including two case studies on the role of physiotherapy in giving athletes the green light to compete at major championships. It was fascinating to obtain a different perspective and approach towards healthcare, especially for top-level athletes. The chances of litigation due to an oversight are enormous, but so are the payoffs - seeing an athlete fulfil their lifelong dream of starting a race, even with an injury.

5) Our last keynote speech was by Dr. David Rowe - general physician and thought leader in the emergent area of Health, Happiness, and Wellbeing Wisdom. It was an inspiring talk that beckoned us to practice more gratitude and gratefulness. After a mesmerising dance duet by Robert Prein and Mayke van Veldhuizen, it was time for the closing ceremony. The winner of the Best Oral Presentation went to none other than Joshua! Congratulations to him, and job well done to all.

6) As it was getting dark, we decided against staying back for the Black Tie Dinner at NoLIta. I walked all the way back to Eden Quay, and took Bus 27b back home.That concludes ICHAMS 2018, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for visiting, and have a lovely weekend. Cheers! :)

ICHAMS 2018 was a huge success!
With Dr. Sara O'Neill 
(ICHAMS Faculty Advisor since it's inception)

Hazel had us posing like that
(and then didn't maintain it so the picture's a tad blurry XD)

Me: Until the next one guys :')

Congratz Joshua on a thoroughly deserved win :D

Dr. Mark Rowe was the fourth and final Keynote Speaker of the conference

Dr. Mark Rowe - 
talking about how an arson tragedy in the past turned out to be the most important lesson in his life

ICHAMS 2018 draws to a close ~~

"K bye"

- Melissa

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