Tuesday 12 June 2018

DAY 647

June 10

1) Today has been a lazy Sunday for me and Niamh. We woke up late, then walked over to the bus station. Today would see us completing a trip to Auchan, a French shopping centre with a branch here. We took the bus for four stops, before getting down right at the supermarket. Niamh would be buying plenty of household groceries, mostly for cooking. As for me, I don't see myself cooking here in China, so I plan to eat out (probably at the school cafeteria) practically all the time XD

2) While completing our shopping, we met some very helpful Chinese ladies, who helped us get what we needed. In the end, I got myself some breakfast biscuits, a packet of clothes hangers, and some bin bags. Suffice to say Niamh got a lot more than that. We started queueing up, and then suddenly a new line opened! After finishing our groceries, we were practically done for the day. We took the same bus (bus no. 208) back where we lived, before unloading our shopping at the apartment.

3) Niamh went ahead and started cooking, while I went out for my lunch. I returned to the square just near our apartment, and this time I tried something else - mushroom chicken with rice. Very good aroma and taste, and the best part is you get as much rice as you want for free! Talk about a good deal. I was lazing about in the afternoon, and in the evening I returned to the same place to try another restaurant. I finally tried the beef noodle soup, and it was mouth-wateringly good. After that delicious meal, I returned home to unpack everything I had bought for the day. That's all in this edition of the blog, thanks for visiting, and have a nice one. Cheers!

Four stops to our destination: Auchan Supermarket :)

Auchan Supermarket - for cheap, quality goods ^^

Baskets of stuff

And that's my stuff

Claypot Mushroom Chicken Rice

Beef Noodles - absolutely stunning :)

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