Saturday 15 July 2017

DAY 314/315/316

Jul 12, 13 & 14

1) Rounding up the second half of the week was the inaugural Student Innovation Challenge, which took place in the Exam Hall yesterday. Registration began at 8.30am, and we were there all the way till 9.30pm! The morning session involved the six professors giving an overview of their research challenge (cancer, AIDS, exercise, ACL, epilepsy, respiratory disease). Then everyone had a chance to pitch a solution, after which we formed our own groups.

2) Initially there were over 20 groups, and then by merging groups with similar ideas we reduced this to just 13 groups. My group chose to tackle "exercise" challenge, which required a method to improve physical activity among adolescent girls, especially in the 12-16 year range. Our proposal was to come up with an app that combined social media with geotracking, while incorporating gaming elements such as rewards and "streaks" such as the ones used in Snapchat.

3) We felt that the app would benefit by utilising existing technology (GPS, pedometer). Also, the idea that someone could just organise a walking event, and invite all their friends to join them - after which they'd be rewarded by points, "titles", and be able to redeem discount vouchers from collaborating shops/ sports centres - was a simple solution. It was definitely a win-win solution; the participants would benefit from the exercise, while the stores would be able to rope in more customers, as well as advertise their role in helping curb Ireland's obesity issue.

4) We had only 3 minutes to pitch our idea to the esteemed panel of judges. Then it was a 2 minute Q and A session. After all the teams had presented, it was time for the results to be announced. In the end, our team didn't win, but we were one of only two teams given an Honourable Mention. After a long day slogging and brainstorming ideas, I think we did better than expected. Hopefully, this event would be held again the following year, and hopefully for less than a full day too! Anyway, nothing much has happened today, so I'll end my blog update here. Looking forward to enjoying the weekend... Thanks very much for visiting, and have a lovely weekend ahead. Cheerios! :D

Our dynamic team: Go Stepstreaks!

All decked out for the occasion! :)

Group photo with friends from various places
(l-r: Me, Judge, Flora, Melvin, Joshua)

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for that

Brainstorming session begins - imbibing of copious amounts of coffee soon to come

At least they kept us very well fed ^^

What a way to finish the night...

Dinner at Burrito & Blues

Burrito Bowl

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