Saturday 29 July 2017

DAY 328/329/330

Jul 26, 27 & 28

"I promised my friends that this would be the best blog update ever, so here goes".      
-Kevin (28 Jul 2017)

1) And just like that, our Research Summer School experience is officially over. All the 9-5 days in the lab, setting up reactions - cleverly timing them to run while we grabbed a coffee or lunch - finished. Officially the last day was the 28th, when some of us, myself included, were chosen to present our research at the Wrap Up Symposium. It was a three minute presentation, followed by two minutes of Q and A.

2) In my opinion, everyone delivered their presentations brilliantly, a testament to their passion and commitment towards their research projects. There could only be one winner, however, and it was a joint first place for Melvin and Melissa for "Best Overall Presentation"! Orla took home the title of "Most Humorous Presentation" while Josephine had the "Most Scientific Presentation". Congratulations to all the winners!!

3) We had a lovely wine and cheese reception at the Atrium afterwards. I would have gone back to the library, had it not been for Andrew and friends inviting me over to hang out with them. Andrew and Barry are both off to Bahrain for the student exchange programme (next semester), so we'll probably not see each other until around the New Year.

4) Our first stop was Tesco Express, where we got those 4-in-a-pack Tesco Lagers - the stuff that only those in the know drink. Then Tom, Peter and Emmet cycled to Peter's house, while Andy, Barry and I walked. We soon stopped at a pub for a pint of Guinness, as my friends enlightened me on the rich Irish history and culture. It was a short stroll after that to our friend's house.

5) To keep things PG-13, certain activities have to be omitted of course XD. Suffice to say, we had a lot of fun. When it was time for dinner, my friends recommended the Spice Box at a Chinese takeaway called Chop Chop, which I had never tried before. For some reason, they found it rather spicy... I mean the "my tongue's on fire", "my lips are burning", "how do you even eat that without drinking anything, Kevin?" kind of spicy. In all fairness, the food (chunky battered chicken with fries topped with spices) tasted really good.

6) We then took turns playing GTA (Grand Theft Auto, a popular video game) on Peter's Xbox One. As the night progressed, so too did the "activities" going on around me increase in intensity. I was oblivious to all of this of course; purely immersed a video game that had kept me occupied for countless hours back home in Malaysia.

7) At quarter past ten, the rest of our group (Claire, Suzanne, Fiona, and Orla) came to visit. They were planning on going to some night clubs in the city. I decided it would be best to head home before it got really dark, and before the LUAS service stopped operating. After bidding them goodbye, I found my way to the LUAS at Harcourt, before boarding it back home. That has been my three days' worth of activities, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it as I have delighted in writing about it. Have a pleasant weekend, and happy holidays to everyone who has finished their research! Cheers! :D

Hanging out at Pete's place :)
(Me, Andrew, Fiona, Claire, Suzanne, Peter, Orla, Emmet)

27th was Berry Day at AK. Henry's!

Such irresistible treats! 

Reception at the Atrium

Those framed certificates were for the Student Innovation Challenge winners

Wrap Up Symposium 2017

Laughter ensued as the word "Tiring" got bigger and bigger...

The potato balls with cheese dip was to die for...

Some good craic at a pub en route to Peter's house

That's a Spice Box

Pete's house

Happy holidays guys! It's been a great one :)

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