Friday 21 July 2017

DAY 322/323

Jul 20 & 21

1) The past two days have been very exciting for me. I spent the better part of yesterday (and admittedly, today as well) preparing for the debate on the motion, "Are We On the Brink of an Antibiotic Apocalypse?" I was debating against the motion, so the angle I chose to attack was from the definition "apocalypse". Sure no one would deny that antibiotics resistance was always going to happen, regardless if mankind had a hand it in, but does the situation we are in right now justify the title "apocalypse"? There's no clear answer to that, as evidenced by the split decision we reached in the end.

2) Ranya, a third year pharmacy student, was proposing the motion, while I was against it. Melissa was the chair for the debate. Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised with the turnout for the debate. We had over 40 research students, along with Dr. Sarah O'Neill, Dr. Fidelma Fitzpatrick, and Ms. Jane Burns. Niall was the helpful attendant, who helped pass the microphone to the audience when it was Q and A session. It was a walking debate, which meant the audience would move to the side which they supported, whether it was "For", "Against", or "Don't Know". By the end of it, all but one of the audience had picked a stance to side with.

3) As for the rest of the week, I'm heading off to Co. Kerry with the RCSI Climbing and Mountaineering Club, where we'll be climbing up Mt. Brandon. Looking forward to spending a lovely weekend there, and taking loads of beautiful pics. Here's to a great weekend for everyone. Cheers!

Post debate photograph :)

"We are on the Brink of an Antibiotic Apocalypse"

Nothing like a nice cuppa after debate is over ^^
(l-r: Melvin, Melissa, Dr. Fidelma Fitzpatrick, Dr. Sarah O'Neill, Niall, Ms Jane Burns, yours truly)

Formal attire, with Dr. Fitzpatrick

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