1) I woke up late today. Somehow, I tend to sleep in during rainy days, and today was no exception. Hurriedly got ready, and took the LUAS (tram) to RCSI. Thankfully, I've all but finished with my experiments, so today's job was mainly to analyse and interpret data from my last experiment, as well as helping out Donal with some of his own experiments.
2) At around 4pm, I headed over to the library with Dr. Fidelma Fitzpatrick, Consultant Microbiologist at Beaumont Hospital. She has agreed to help us prepare for the upcoming debate on Antibiotics Resistance. We were discussing some strategies when Dr. Sarah O'Neill joined in. We discussed a bit about the flow of the event, before Dr. O'Neill left and we continued where we had left off.
3) Another lesson learnt today is on the LUAS (tram) timetable. For morning rush hour (around 8am), trams come every 3-4 minutes, so missing one isn't that big of an issue. But at night, after 10pm (on weekdays), missing one tram means having to wait for at least 15 minutes for another. In my case, I missed the 10pm tram today, and had to wait almost half an hour for the next one to arrive. Not the ideal thing to do, especially in the damp, chilly weather.
4) Tomorrow I'm having an "off-day" of sorts, so that gives me (hopefully) ample time to prepare for the debate, as well as my climbing trip. Keeping my fingers crossed that the weather holds. Dublin and fine weather, if the twain could ever meet XD. Anyway, that's it for my blog update, and thanks for dropping by to visit. Have a lovely day, cheers!
With Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. O'Neill at the new academic building :)
Q: "Tell Us Why You Are In The Library This Week?"
A: Erm..., because I live here? ^^

Missing tram home = opportunity to improve night photography skills
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