Saturday 6 January 2018

DAY 489-493

Jan 2 - 6

1) If you've been following my blog recently, I'm sure you would have noticed the increasingly sporadic blog posts. I suppose it was unavoidable; as medical school progressed, so too did the workload, and on top of all that, I have other responsibilities to shoulder as well. Most recently, after coming back from my "Winter Wonderland" trip, I was faced with another challenge - to pack my stuff and shift to Beaumont - where I'll be spending the rest of this year.

2) So I've spent the past couple of days packing. It's amazing how much more stuff I have compared to last year (when I moved out of Leeson to Dundrum). Finished stowing away all my belongings and cleaning my room, and bade goodbye to my wonderful host Suzanne, before calling a taxi all the way to Beaumont - from one end of the city to the other.

3) Me new host - Emma, greeted me with open arms at the doorstep of her house. After an evening of just relaxing and taking some much needed rest, I've been exploring the vicinity the following morning. There's a medium-sized shopping centre (Northside Shopping Centre) just 10 minutes away. Also, Beaumont Hospital is right behind my house - literally. However, the Education Centre (where RCSI students are based and attend lectures) is located at the opposite end of Beaumont, right beside the main entrance. That means I will have to circumvent the perimeter of the hospital, which is a piece of cake compared to having to travel by bus all the way from the city centre.

4) I'm currently in the library typing away. No one else is here except for two other students. It is a quiet Saturday, just two weeks before school officially reopens. I might as well savour the free time I have now before things become hectic again haha. Anyway, that's all in this blog update, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks for visiting, and have a great day. Cheers!

Last pic with Suzanne and Muireann,
in front of my accommodation for the past half year

My room after my Herculean effort in packing up and cleaning up

My new room :))
(Just after I unloaded my belongings...)

The laceration marks after lugging REALLY heavy luggage that cut into my skin XD

St Luke the Evangelist,
Kilbarron Rd

Northside Shopping Centre
(a slightly smaller St. Stephen's Green Shopping Centre)

Small and comfy interior

Lunch at Sbarro just now

This is literally behind my house

In the virtually empty RCSI Beaumont Library ^^

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