Tuesday 16 January 2018

DAY 503/504/505

Jan 16, 17 & 18 

1) It's back to business as we started our first semester yesterday at Beaumont. I'm personally very glad that I made the choice to move here, as I do not have to go through the daily hassle of taking a 40-45 min bus ride to class everyday. Anyway, I met up with many of my friends, and we chatted about our holidays during the registration. Shortly afterwards, there was an induction lecture by Prof. Alice Stanton, IC1 Coordinator.

2) We had an hour long break, so my friends and I went to the canteen for some food. The meals here at Beaumont are really cheap and filling. The only downside is you can only pay by cash... Then classes officially started, with Prof. Mary Leader giving the introductory lecture on Pathology. She gave another two lectures in the afternoon, covering 119 slides of the insanely huge 342-slide lecture module - Neoplasms.

3) There are three separate modules this term - Foundation in Pathology, Foundation in Microbiology, and Cardio-Respiratory. Many seniors have previously warned us that the amount of content thought can be overwhelming. Personally, I feel the added burden already. Good thing we have (most) Fridays off then :)

4) Finally, the one thing that was really on my mind yesterday was my results. Although I had put in what I can only call (unashamedly) a Herculean effort, I was well aware that I did not do as I expected in a few of my exams. In particular, I was dreading the outcome of the EBH/PHE paper, which in all fairness, quite a number of my friends felt was difficult too. By noon, all had been revealed, and I am only so thankful that I managed to obtain good grades. While it is way too early to say, replicating those results again this semester will be an absolute nightmare. But at the very least - I can try.

5) That has been a summary of my day-to-day activities, and thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed reading, and have a nice day. Cheers!

IC1 here I come :)

The foyer just in front of our lecture theatre

Our lecture theatre - the Robert Adams Lecture Theatre

"How many of you are coming to Beaumont for the first time?"
"Haha, not me. "


Fruitcake (eaten), sausage, a tonne of beans and scrambled egg, and an omelette-
all for only €2.80!!

Heartsaver CPR AED Course Certificate :)

Thanks so much Melvin and Melissa for the birthday present! 
It was really thoughtful of you ^^

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