Wednesday 10 January 2018

DAY 494-498

Jan 7 - 11

1) As the year kicks in,  I find that I am no longer able to update my blog as regularly as I have up to this point. In spite of trying my utmost best, the various responsibilities and tasks that I have on my hand even before school reopens is enough to keep me from my favourite past time. However, what I have to skimp on quantity, I will absolutely not when it comes to quality. I'll just have to learn to compile days of activities into one blog post, with plenty of pictures in between :)

2) So I celebrated my birthday on the 8th. My good friend Zi Yan met up with me at the library. I had a couple of things on my agenda on this day, a) find a study table; b) buy some slacks and sweatpants; c) film a short video for my Student Ambassador vlog; d) get a haircut XD; e) celebrate my birthday! So we tackled the most pressing issue first - filming a video of my college, to promote RCSI in my blog for Education in Ireland. Alas, it was not meant to be. The staff on duty mentioned that we needed a "work permit" in order to film at the college. So I would have to email someone at Student Services to obtain permission first. 

3) On to the next bit - celebrating my birthday the only way we knew how - buffet lunch! I thought it'd be fun to have buffet at Jimmy Chung's, which coincidentally was the first meal we had when we were dropped off in Dublin all those years ago ^^. The food was really good, not to mention the myriad of cakes and desserts. After stuffing ourselves silly, it was time to search for a study table. I'm not kidding when I say we literally searched the whole of Dublin 1 (at all the accessory shops and hardware shops) before FINALLY finding a suitable table at Argos. It was two small tables for €22.50 - and at this point, that sounded very reasonable to me. Bought it $$

4) By this time, it was getting dark, so I decided against the pants and haircut, leaving it for another day. I took the bus 27b back to Beaumont - right in front of my new accommodation. Speaking of my new home, it has been lovely so far. Prior to coming here, quite a number of seniors advised me against putting up at Beaumont, as it had absolutely no 'city life' to it. While that may be true, I am perfectly comfortable with living here so far, as everything that I could want is within walking distance. In particular, I am thoroughly impressed with the variety of meal options i.e. frozen meals here. There's a supermarket chain called Iceland here, and they have some top-notch meals at really cheap prices. That's my go to place from now on.

5) Classes begin again on the 15th, this time in Beaumont. While I am happy to be in a new environment, part of me is dreading what might come next. Many have commented that this semester is brutally challenging, so I look forward to it with equal parts excitement and trepidation. That sums up my blog post this time, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you in the next one. Cheers!

Thanks buddy for celebrating my birthday with me!!
- at Jimmy Chung's Chinese Buffet

RCSI Library Beaumont - my soon-to-be second home :)

That is a torpedo sized bottle if I've ever seen one XD

Their desserts are par excellence <3<3

Apple crumble with a generous helping of vanilla ice cream

My two study tables :)

Beef bourguignon (a.k.a. beef burgundy) with mash potato

Iceland's very own fish pie
(with large cubes of salmon, haddock, and tiger prawns!)

Ham and leek gratin

Steak chianti ragu

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