Monday 22 January 2018

DAY 506-510

Jan 19 - 23

1) Here at Beaumont there is a concept of Reading Fridays. Essentially we have no classes today (save for the odd tutorial), and can maximise this time to cover lectures, or alternatively, get some much needed rest. Unfortunately, at the rate we're going, it'll be used up in a desperate attempt to cover the immense content of the other four weekdays.

2) These past week, we've been adjusting to lessons at Beaumont, as well as getting to know our lecturers. Whereas Junior Cycle has been about learning everything in a normal individual, Intermediate Cycle focuses on everything that can go wrong (in a pathological state). It's a shift in focus, and it'll take a while to fully adapt.

3) Another difference I've noticed - having stayed in Beaumont for the past month - is the lack of extra-curricular activities here. Sure, every Tuesdays and Wednesdays there is a chance to sit in for the Grand Rounds (presentations consisting of medical problems and treatment of a particular patient to an audience consisting of doctors, residents, and medical students) if you can make it by 8.00am. But save for that, and the odd event or so, nothing much really happens here.

4) This is in stark comparison with the multitude of activities in the main campus (123 St. Stephen's Green). For instance, I still haven't tried out the new "Coffee Doc" - 1784 yet. There was a grand unveiling on the first day when school reopened, where they invited guest chefs the Flynn brothers (a.k.a. "The Happy Pear") over! Furthermore, I'll be missing out on a follow-up to the photoshoot we did recently (due to lessons), as well as an invitation for those excellent Friendship Lunches we had last semester. Oh well, I suppose you can't have them all XD. That has been my blog update, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks very much for tuning in, and have a nice day. Cheers!

Throwback to the day when it REALLY snowed in Dublin :)

A white view from outside my bedroom window

Even in the morning there was some traces of frost

Our first Microbiology Lab Group Tutorial

Microbiology stuff ^^

It's hard to see, but my buddy Zi Yan is helping to demonstrate 
the process of uncoiling of DNA by DNA helicase

Our Infection Prevention and Control Leture

The entire lecture was allocated to keeping one's hands clean, and to prevent accidental contamination of the environment/equipment 

That's lunch for today at Beaumont's (staff!) canteen, 
after I finished the last of my frozen meals XD

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