Friday 26 January 2018

DAY 511-515

Jan 24 - 28

1) As yet another week passes, I'm reflecting on what has transpired that is noteworthy. A couple of things come to mind. Firstly, I attended my first ever Grand Rounds, at the Robert Adams Lecture Theatre. As I mentioned before, it was a really good experience listening to different healthcare personnel (including surgeons, physicians and nurses) come to share any interesting or important info.

2) I've discovered an even faster route to the Northside Shopping Centre (where I do most, if not all of my grocery shopping). Turns out the fastest way from where I live to the shopping complex is literally a straight line - that skirts round the side of a building - right to the entrance! How I missed that earlier, I am not sure. It only occurred to me when I remembered my host family telling me about how they went there.

3) I've found out from my friend another backdoor route to Beaumont Hospital. There is a back entrance to the hospital (the one I usually use), but apparently there's also another one just round the side, which is really convenient for some of us. Both of these routes save a LOT of time compared to walking round the pavement to the main entrance. That results in me being able to wake up very late for class.

4) Lessons are going well so far, if at a really brisk pace. There's loads more content, and lots more to memorise. I know the general consensus is to understand it rather than memorise it, but when you're desperate and exams are coming... Anyway, that is about it for the week, I wish there was more but there isn't anymore. And on that rhyme, I'll end here. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. Cheers!

Such a foggy day!

Visibility really not that good here haha

Almost reminded me of a scene out of a survival horror game XD

That's the route I took back home from shopping 
(before I learnt the shortcut ^^)

Cheap quality meal of chicken, meatballs, potatoes and veggies

Monday 22 January 2018

DAY 506-510

Jan 19 - 23

1) Here at Beaumont there is a concept of Reading Fridays. Essentially we have no classes today (save for the odd tutorial), and can maximise this time to cover lectures, or alternatively, get some much needed rest. Unfortunately, at the rate we're going, it'll be used up in a desperate attempt to cover the immense content of the other four weekdays.

2) These past week, we've been adjusting to lessons at Beaumont, as well as getting to know our lecturers. Whereas Junior Cycle has been about learning everything in a normal individual, Intermediate Cycle focuses on everything that can go wrong (in a pathological state). It's a shift in focus, and it'll take a while to fully adapt.

3) Another difference I've noticed - having stayed in Beaumont for the past month - is the lack of extra-curricular activities here. Sure, every Tuesdays and Wednesdays there is a chance to sit in for the Grand Rounds (presentations consisting of medical problems and treatment of a particular patient to an audience consisting of doctors, residents, and medical students) if you can make it by 8.00am. But save for that, and the odd event or so, nothing much really happens here.

4) This is in stark comparison with the multitude of activities in the main campus (123 St. Stephen's Green). For instance, I still haven't tried out the new "Coffee Doc" - 1784 yet. There was a grand unveiling on the first day when school reopened, where they invited guest chefs the Flynn brothers (a.k.a. "The Happy Pear") over! Furthermore, I'll be missing out on a follow-up to the photoshoot we did recently (due to lessons), as well as an invitation for those excellent Friendship Lunches we had last semester. Oh well, I suppose you can't have them all XD. That has been my blog update, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks very much for tuning in, and have a nice day. Cheers!

Throwback to the day when it REALLY snowed in Dublin :)

A white view from outside my bedroom window

Even in the morning there was some traces of frost

Our first Microbiology Lab Group Tutorial

Microbiology stuff ^^

It's hard to see, but my buddy Zi Yan is helping to demonstrate 
the process of uncoiling of DNA by DNA helicase

Our Infection Prevention and Control Leture

The entire lecture was allocated to keeping one's hands clean, and to prevent accidental contamination of the environment/equipment 

That's lunch for today at Beaumont's (staff!) canteen, 
after I finished the last of my frozen meals XD

Tuesday 16 January 2018

DAY 503/504/505

Jan 16, 17 & 18 

1) It's back to business as we started our first semester yesterday at Beaumont. I'm personally very glad that I made the choice to move here, as I do not have to go through the daily hassle of taking a 40-45 min bus ride to class everyday. Anyway, I met up with many of my friends, and we chatted about our holidays during the registration. Shortly afterwards, there was an induction lecture by Prof. Alice Stanton, IC1 Coordinator.

2) We had an hour long break, so my friends and I went to the canteen for some food. The meals here at Beaumont are really cheap and filling. The only downside is you can only pay by cash... Then classes officially started, with Prof. Mary Leader giving the introductory lecture on Pathology. She gave another two lectures in the afternoon, covering 119 slides of the insanely huge 342-slide lecture module - Neoplasms.

3) There are three separate modules this term - Foundation in Pathology, Foundation in Microbiology, and Cardio-Respiratory. Many seniors have previously warned us that the amount of content thought can be overwhelming. Personally, I feel the added burden already. Good thing we have (most) Fridays off then :)

4) Finally, the one thing that was really on my mind yesterday was my results. Although I had put in what I can only call (unashamedly) a Herculean effort, I was well aware that I did not do as I expected in a few of my exams. In particular, I was dreading the outcome of the EBH/PHE paper, which in all fairness, quite a number of my friends felt was difficult too. By noon, all had been revealed, and I am only so thankful that I managed to obtain good grades. While it is way too early to say, replicating those results again this semester will be an absolute nightmare. But at the very least - I can try.

5) That has been a summary of my day-to-day activities, and thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed reading, and have a nice day. Cheers!

IC1 here I come :)

The foyer just in front of our lecture theatre

Our lecture theatre - the Robert Adams Lecture Theatre

"How many of you are coming to Beaumont for the first time?"
"Haha, not me. "


Fruitcake (eaten), sausage, a tonne of beans and scrambled egg, and an omelette-
all for only €2.80!!

Heartsaver CPR AED Course Certificate :)

Thanks so much Melvin and Melissa for the birthday present! 
It was really thoughtful of you ^^

Sunday 14 January 2018

DAY 499-502

Jan12 - 15

1) So my "holidays" have finally come to an end. To be honest, it didn't really feel as such, as I have been quite busy with moving house and taking care of ongoing tasks. These past days, I have been settling into my new environment, which will be my new home for the coming year.

2) Recently I've gone back to Iceland (the supermarket chain, NOT the country XD) to re-stock my collection of frozen meals, and was pleasantly surprised to find that their selection is even more extensive than I had previously imagined. Udon noodles, laksa (!), pies, stroganoff - basically a worldwide collection of staple dishes, ready made. And they taste very authentic (either that or I'm just really hungry XD) .

3) But today's blogpost will not be complete, but for the appreciation that I have for every single one of you who wished me on my birthday. I see myself as having simple needs, and it is these little things that I truly cherish in my life. I know my birthday has long passed, but just two days back I received mail from two really close friends of mine, and it truly made my day. And on that very happy note, I shall end my blogpost here. Tomorrow is the beginning of yet another semester, and this time at Beaumont. Thanks very much for reading, and stay tuned... for the next one. Cheers!

 I was honestly not expecting this

Thanks so much Vik!!! :D

 Thanks so much Denise!!! ^^

I now have a UCD scarf woohoo ^^

Chicken and mushroom risotto

King prawn alfredo

King prawn and chicken laksa noodles(!)

Chicken, king prawn and chorizo paella

Wednesday 10 January 2018

DAY 494-498

Jan 7 - 11

1) As the year kicks in,  I find that I am no longer able to update my blog as regularly as I have up to this point. In spite of trying my utmost best, the various responsibilities and tasks that I have on my hand even before school reopens is enough to keep me from my favourite past time. However, what I have to skimp on quantity, I will absolutely not when it comes to quality. I'll just have to learn to compile days of activities into one blog post, with plenty of pictures in between :)

2) So I celebrated my birthday on the 8th. My good friend Zi Yan met up with me at the library. I had a couple of things on my agenda on this day, a) find a study table; b) buy some slacks and sweatpants; c) film a short video for my Student Ambassador vlog; d) get a haircut XD; e) celebrate my birthday! So we tackled the most pressing issue first - filming a video of my college, to promote RCSI in my blog for Education in Ireland. Alas, it was not meant to be. The staff on duty mentioned that we needed a "work permit" in order to film at the college. So I would have to email someone at Student Services to obtain permission first. 

3) On to the next bit - celebrating my birthday the only way we knew how - buffet lunch! I thought it'd be fun to have buffet at Jimmy Chung's, which coincidentally was the first meal we had when we were dropped off in Dublin all those years ago ^^. The food was really good, not to mention the myriad of cakes and desserts. After stuffing ourselves silly, it was time to search for a study table. I'm not kidding when I say we literally searched the whole of Dublin 1 (at all the accessory shops and hardware shops) before FINALLY finding a suitable table at Argos. It was two small tables for €22.50 - and at this point, that sounded very reasonable to me. Bought it $$

4) By this time, it was getting dark, so I decided against the pants and haircut, leaving it for another day. I took the bus 27b back to Beaumont - right in front of my new accommodation. Speaking of my new home, it has been lovely so far. Prior to coming here, quite a number of seniors advised me against putting up at Beaumont, as it had absolutely no 'city life' to it. While that may be true, I am perfectly comfortable with living here so far, as everything that I could want is within walking distance. In particular, I am thoroughly impressed with the variety of meal options i.e. frozen meals here. There's a supermarket chain called Iceland here, and they have some top-notch meals at really cheap prices. That's my go to place from now on.

5) Classes begin again on the 15th, this time in Beaumont. While I am happy to be in a new environment, part of me is dreading what might come next. Many have commented that this semester is brutally challenging, so I look forward to it with equal parts excitement and trepidation. That sums up my blog post this time, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you in the next one. Cheers!

Thanks buddy for celebrating my birthday with me!!
- at Jimmy Chung's Chinese Buffet

RCSI Library Beaumont - my soon-to-be second home :)

That is a torpedo sized bottle if I've ever seen one XD

Their desserts are par excellence <3<3

Apple crumble with a generous helping of vanilla ice cream

My two study tables :)

Beef bourguignon (a.k.a. beef burgundy) with mash potato

Iceland's very own fish pie
(with large cubes of salmon, haddock, and tiger prawns!)

Ham and leek gratin

Steak chianti ragu

Saturday 6 January 2018

DAY 489-493

Jan 2 - 6

1) If you've been following my blog recently, I'm sure you would have noticed the increasingly sporadic blog posts. I suppose it was unavoidable; as medical school progressed, so too did the workload, and on top of all that, I have other responsibilities to shoulder as well. Most recently, after coming back from my "Winter Wonderland" trip, I was faced with another challenge - to pack my stuff and shift to Beaumont - where I'll be spending the rest of this year.

2) So I've spent the past couple of days packing. It's amazing how much more stuff I have compared to last year (when I moved out of Leeson to Dundrum). Finished stowing away all my belongings and cleaning my room, and bade goodbye to my wonderful host Suzanne, before calling a taxi all the way to Beaumont - from one end of the city to the other.

3) Me new host - Emma, greeted me with open arms at the doorstep of her house. After an evening of just relaxing and taking some much needed rest, I've been exploring the vicinity the following morning. There's a medium-sized shopping centre (Northside Shopping Centre) just 10 minutes away. Also, Beaumont Hospital is right behind my house - literally. However, the Education Centre (where RCSI students are based and attend lectures) is located at the opposite end of Beaumont, right beside the main entrance. That means I will have to circumvent the perimeter of the hospital, which is a piece of cake compared to having to travel by bus all the way from the city centre.

4) I'm currently in the library typing away. No one else is here except for two other students. It is a quiet Saturday, just two weeks before school officially reopens. I might as well savour the free time I have now before things become hectic again haha. Anyway, that's all in this blog update, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks for visiting, and have a great day. Cheers!

Last pic with Suzanne and Muireann,
in front of my accommodation for the past half year

My room after my Herculean effort in packing up and cleaning up

My new room :))
(Just after I unloaded my belongings...)

The laceration marks after lugging REALLY heavy luggage that cut into my skin XD

St Luke the Evangelist,
Kilbarron Rd

Northside Shopping Centre
(a slightly smaller St. Stephen's Green Shopping Centre)

Small and comfy interior

Lunch at Sbarro just now

This is literally behind my house

In the virtually empty RCSI Beaumont Library ^^