Wednesday 9 August 2017

DAY 340/341/342

Aug 7, 8 & 9

1) It feels like everyone has gone away. All three Principal Investigators (Dr. Griffith, Prof. Bennett, Dr. Cahir), my host family (they're gone on holiday for the week), most of my friends etc. Of course, this is but temporary, since everyone will return when the next semester begins in September. Most of them anyway, as some of my friends are going to Bahrain for an exchange student programme with RCSI-Bahrain.

2) For the most part, I'm preoccupied with my own work at Beaux Lane House. Today I've finally finished packing all the questionnaires to be sent to patients, and after this I'll be calling them up to check if they have received it, and if they required assistance in filling out the questionnaires. Also, I've been reading up a bit on breast cancer, in line with my research on how certain drugs (aspirin, statins) may affect outcomes and quality of life in breast cancer patients. It's all a new experience for me, moving from lab work to statistics and literature reviews.

3) On Monday, after having buffet at Ten Thousand World (believe me, this is only my second buffet in like six months, as it was a Bank Holiday), I was walking back when I passed a stand allowing passersby to dress up like a leprechaun - complete with walking stick and beer! Gave the man in charge a small donation, and got someone to take a pic XD It's little things like this that add dimension to my otherwise mundane lifestyle, and I thoroughly appreciate them. There have been many other instances of random acts of kindness that really moved me, and I plan to write about them next time (when I have nothing to write for my blog!)

4) In twenty three days, I will have stayed in Dublin for one whole year, and the next academic year will begin. Until then, I hope to complete more fruitful research, and to make full use of the time here to do something worthwhile. That has been my blog update, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Have a great week ahead (I'm getting more generous with the well wishes I think haha), cheers!

Work space for now...

With San Kim (3rd year med student) on his last day of the job... :'(

"Leprechaun Yourself"

Sláinte! (Cheers! equivalent)


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