Tuesday 29 August 2017

DAY 360/361/362/363

Aug 26, 27, 28 & 29

1) The past four days have passed by so fast. Tomorrow is the second last day of "work" for me, and that gives me a couple of days respite before school reopens (5th Sept). Also, this week has been much warmer, so that's a welcome change.

2) On an unrelated note, the Dispensary has opened, selling Starbucks drinks as well as biscuits and snacks! It's a bit sad they opened so early, because that means the end of my free coffee/tea as well! Now I'm just waiting for the renovations in the main building to be completed. It certainly looks promising.

3) For the most part, I'm looking forward to starting with my studies again. Any longer and my knowledge will become rusty, and my study ethic dull. So I guess it's back to burying myself in my work... not! And since nothing exciting or unusual has happened this past four days; nothing new or worth talking about, I'll end on this note. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. Cheers!

The Dispensary has officially opened!! ^^

Selling Starbucks here too... :)

The work doesn't end

Thankful for cheap and delicious food at Dunnes

AK Henry's has some of the best fish pie I've tried
(plus if you know the servers well you could ask for "lots and lots of chips" XD)

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