Monday 2 July 2018

DAY 660

June 23

1) Tragedy struck as I couldn't go to bed the night before, having developed a rash over what I can only attribute to the hotpot I had. My whole body was itchy, and I was waking up to scratch so often that I couldn't fall asleep. In the morning, I felt that I had had enough, so I messaged Nina to ask her if she was free. I knew she was having her exams soon, so I didn't want to disturb her if possible.

2) Nina came to the apartment to meet me, and together we walked to the Dushu Lake SEID Hospital, only to be told that there wasn't any skin specialist available, and that the GPs would not see me. So we instead went to Suzhou Kowloon Hospital. It was a long bus ride there, so I was really glad to be seen and treated early. The doctor diagnosed me with urticaria, something which I knew I had for a while already. It was just the food I had the previous night that had caused it to flare up. 

3) I got four types of medicine - two oral and two topical ones. As it was approaching lunch time, we went to a nearby McD for lunch. Nina then went to a nearby area to study for her exams, while I took the long bus ride home. Took the medicine, applied the cream, and the rash has gone away since, and touchwood has not returned. It was a bit of an experience for me, and I (half-jokingly) think that both me and my computer have had a makeover here in Suzhou. I've been really lucky to have such good friends to help me through my troubles. I really appreciate that, from the bottom of my heart.

4) That has been the gist of my day today, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for visiting as always, and have a nice week ahead, cheers! :)

A nice lunch with Nina, after our trip to the hospital...

Shanghai Jiaotong University Suzhou Kowloon Hospital

Not a very nice sight, but enough to convince me to see the doctor ):

Dushu Lake SEID Hospital - our first stop...

Didn't get to see a doc here, so we had to move to Kowloon Hospital many bus stops away

That's the patient registration card and prescription form (I think haha)

You can actually see my name on the board :)

Prescription for yours truly

Doctor's handwriting XD

Outpatient department of Kowloon Hospital

Receipt at McD

Nothing like a Big Mac
(fast food isn't cheap here in China though haha)

That's the McD that we went to :)

Two friendly officers :)

NUSRI - National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute

My meds :0

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