Monday 9 July 2018

DAY 671

July 4

1) Believe it or not the same thing has happened again today - it has been raining since morning. By some miraculous stroke of luck, I've been able to escape it in the morning, reaching the gates just as it started to drizzle. So on a day that is rainy and damp, what better way to cheer everyone up than by ordering a nice feast - straight to our lab! That's exactly what my lab mates in the Biology Lab did, and this time, we each picked a dish each.

2) I chose the "三鲜火锅" (a hotpot consisting of three different types of meat - namely pork, shrimp, and crab). Someone else ordered the delivery today, as if you use it for the first time you are entitled to a discount. We made the mistake of not asking for five individual rice servings (for the five of us), so when the delivery came sans rice, we had to order another time XD. That aside, it has a certain warm, fuzzy feeling - everyone gathered round the table picking out their favourite dishes, while outside is pouring like nobody's business.

3) As for things that I actually accomplished today, well, I spent most of the day in the biology lab. Today I learnt about the MTT Assay, a colorimetric assay for accessing cell metabolic activity. We will use this to test our compounds that we synthesize in the chemistry labs. And just in time, I've completed two of the compounds to be tested. Hopefully, in the following days, I'll have the opportunity to learn more about the various steps involved. That's basically it for today, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Have a nice day, cheers! :)

Absolutely mouth-watering if you ask me ^^

If you think I wrote that in Chinese, well sorry you're wrong haha

Three meats, tofu, and rice! :)

Hotpot (the one that I ordered :)

Counting cells and preparing the required amount of nutrition to culture the tumour cells

This may not look like much but you never know :^)

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