Sunday 8 July 2018

DAY 669

July 2

1) Today has been yet another exciting day in the labs. As you already know, I'm basically working in two labs over the course of the day. These days, I usually go for the morning seminar at 8.30am, before heading to the biology lab until evening. Then, after dinner, I head back to the chemistry lab and finish before 9pm. Then I walk back home, full with new knowledge and stuff to write down before I forget.

2) In the biology lab, after having observed pretty much everyone as they go about conducting their experiments, I'm being given more opportunity to try them out for myself. For instance, making the two types of gel for SDS-PAGE (gel electrophoresis) or culturing cells. There's loads more to learn of course, but I am trying my best to memorise all the steps involved in these long procedures.

3) One thing's for sure - time's passing at breakneck speed. It's already been a month since I came to China, and it'll be only one more month till I go back. Another month later and the school term begins. I've been very lucky to be able to spend my summer doing something useful, and looking forward to more adventures with each passing day. Thanks very much for visiting my blog, and have a nice week ahead. Cheers! :)

Tools to make gel for SDS-PAGE

The apartment (Building 8CB) where I live
(I'm on the third floor on this side of the building ^^)

SDS PAGE methods
(I refined it later as I became more adept at it)


SDS-PAGE set-up
(gel electrophoresis - separating proteins according to their molecular weight (kDa))

From l-r: Orbital shaker, rolling incubator, cassettes in buffer solution

Mini centrifuge, reagents to make the "gel", pipettors

招牌米线 (Specialty noodles) 
yum yum ^^

Gel casting stand
(gel will be pipetted into the narrow space between the two glasses and allowed to harden (polymerise))

Rice with meat and vegetables (and soup!)

Chris's detailed drawing of a map of the campus :))

A clearer view of his masterpiece

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