Wednesday 11 July 2018

DAY 673 - 675

Jul 6 - 8

1) These past couple of days have been quite similar actually. If you've noticed in the previous blogs, my adventures tend to peak in the weekdays, and fizzle out in the weekends. That is probably due to the lack of travelling that we get done during the weekends. And this weekend was no exception. I was in the labs on Saturday as usual, learning stuff and jotting down notes as I often do (I really can't remember things well so...) Anyway, it did dawn on me that my time here in Suzhou is coming to an end soon, and that I really should make the most of it other than just burying myself in the labs...

2) So in the afternoon, I took a sabbatical and decided to just walk around the huge campus, and to explore its many buildings. Indeed, I never entered any of them, but it was nice to just walk around and discover. As luck would have it, the weather has been absolutely perfect, especially on Saturday. The mild weather made it perfect for walking, as it meant one didn't get tired easily due to the heat.

3) As for what I did on Sunday, that's a bit lacklustre. I literally spent the whole day in the apartment, idling about and only leaving to get lunch and dinner from the convenience store. One of the main incentives for going to the labs (other than to meet with everyone and learn new things of course ^^) is to get access to good ol' (did I mention free? XD) WiFi. As it happens, they do provide WiFi in the dorm room, in the form of a cable that connects to the laptop. But because I use an Apple laptop, the cable is too large to fit properly! Just my luck then...

4) Anyway, I'll end on that note and let you enjoy some pictures of the beautiful campus. It's a huge university (by my standards anyway haha) so there's always something just around the corner, waiting to be photographed. Hopefully you can appreciate the natural, eco-friendly environment of the campus as much as I've enjoyed walking around exploring it. That's it for today, and thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day, cheers! :)

Individual practice rooms for the music students

A little souvenir from our Hospital Visit :))

"香锅" - stir-fry hotpot - served with as much rice as you want, and soup :)

That's a lot of fire extinguishers if you ask me! 
Are they preparing for a huge fire? XD

"老干妈炒饭" - "Old Godmother" (a famous brand that makes chilli sauces) 
Fried Rice
10/10 would have again! ^^

Got to get those fruit/ dessert cravings satisfied

The Molecular Cancer Research Lab (3F) is where I currently lead a double life, alternating between this and the Medicinal Chemical Biology Lab (5F)

(Probably) my last taste of "烤鸭泡饭" - roast duck with rice soup (cut me some slack I couldn't do a better translation XD)

College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

The ever so majestic and lotus-shaped Binglin Library binglint

I honestly can't remember the name of this building haha but I am pretty sure it's about animal lab research

Every time I walk along the streets of Suzhou I am reminded of the care taken towards the environment, and in particular, the multitude of trees stretching as far as the eye can see

National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute (NUSRI)

A very appetising "onigiri" (おにぎり) - Japanese rice balls

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