Monday 23 July 2018

DAY 688

July 21

1) Today was an epic day, as Niamh, Ada, and I went on a day tour around Suzhou. We first met Ada at the college campus, and from there we walked to the bus stop. It was a long bus ride, followed by the subway, which brought us to our first stop - 'Guanjian Street' (观前街) . The location of this 150-year-old street lying in front of the Xuanmiao Taoist Temple (玄妙观) belies its name, which means "before a temple". The 760m street consists of the eastern, middle, and western sections. The eastern part is mainly ancient buildings of historical significance, the middle part is the temple itself, while the western part is occupied by fashion and trendy shops.

2) We walked around everywhere, taking in the unique and contrasting architecture. We visited a couple of interesting shops, including those which sold small trinkets and accessories. Soon, it was time for lunch, and we were looking for recommendations online. Then Niamh suggested that we go to a restaurant which she had been before (she went previously with Nina), so we decided on that. The restaurant's name is (金牌好人民间小吃), and it serves really, really good fish. There are two types - fish in tomato broth (which Niamh had the last time she came), and fish in pickled cabbage soup. We ordered both, and a heaping bowl of rice each. The dishes came with noodles and beansprouts, making for a truly wholesome meal.

3) After lunch, we decided we had seen enough of this part of town, so we again took the subway, this time to our next stop - 'Shantang Street' (山塘街). An ancient riverside pedestrian road, it starts from Changmen Gate and winds northwest on the northern bank of the Shantang River, and ends at scenic Tiger Hill. It extends about 2.2 miles (seven li), hence the name "Seven-li Shantang". It was unbelievably hot today, and we had been walking for a very long time along the (seemingly never-ending) street, so it was good to stop and have a break at a nearby Chatime. Afterwards, we stopped once again to have "mung bean soup" (绿豆汤), a specialty here in Suzhou. It consists of mung beans (lots of it XD), red beans, glutinous rice, rock sugar, liquorice, and mint water. It may sound a bit odd but believe me, on a hot day it was certainly a life-saver.

4) After idling about and chit-chatting for a good while, it was time to go back. We took the subway back to Songtao Street (松涛街), and said goodbye to each other. I got my dinner at the nearby Family Mart, and that caps off my adventures for today. Thank you very much for visiting, and I hope you enjoyed reading a bit about my life here in Suzhou, which is fast coming to an end. Have a nice day, cheers! :D

Stopping for a drink at "7分甜" (Sweet 7) - a popular beverage shop

Stopping for yet another drink, this time at Chatime (in the afternoon)

The beautifully preserved architecture of Shantang Street

Guanjian Street - a unique blend of traditional vs modern architecture

We visited a cinema in a nearby shopping complex - at Guanjian Street :)

Waiting for our lunch...

Resting after a hard day's walk ^^

Third- and fourth- wheeling here

If I'm not mistaken, this should be a storytelling performance, where people seat around and watch

One of the many entrances to Guanjian Street

M-Day 纪念日百货) a famous accessory shop here :)

Oh look - Niamh with two of her many fans XD

We initially wanted to go to a place called "Lemonfish" (柠檬鱼) - but it was closed ):

So we went here instead :)

That is fish in pickled cabbage soup

And fish in tomato broth

And now, both! ^^

The restaurant where we had lunch :)

Insta worthy? Methinks so... :)

Ada posing with one of the Stormtroopers...

"Dream on!"
- Niamh, 2018
Someone decided to embellish the mural with their presence

After a long day's work of Photoshopping ^^
("It's like she wasn't even there!")

Repair work being done at the entrance to Shantang Street

Homemade wine, anyone?

Steps to success, if you ask me

Apparently, the night views are even more beautiful!!

Beautiful bridge, on a warm Saturday afternoon

So many people queueing up for a boat ride!

Some really authentic looking shops here :)

I got the one on the left
("Dirty tea" as it seems to be called)

Everyone's happy with their drinks ^^

The tour map of Seven-li Shantang Tourist Attraction Area

The Year of the Dog 2018 :)

Mung bean soup - a great, refreshing drink

Selfie time, cuz why not :D

So we've ascertained that Niamh has heterochromia iridum (difference in coloration of the iris)

There's a beautiful bridge just ahead
(too bad we couldn't go see it haha)

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