Saturday 7 July 2018

DAY 667 & 668

June 30, July 1

1) Today has been another long day in the labs. If you look back at the date you'll find it's a Saturday,  which might seem a bit odd for me to be in school. However, it is important to note that the postgraduate students here (Masters and PhD students) work Saturdays as well, and very often until 10 or 11pm. Also, I'm practically free when not doing research, as there isn't much more to do on a lazy weekend other than waking up late. Hence the decision to come over to the labs, have a chit-chat with everyone while learning many new things etc.

2) As it happens, today was unusually cooler than the previous days. It has been blisteringly hot these past week, and now the rainy season has started. I have come to the conclusion that in these two months of summer (in Suzhou), there are only two types of weather - the very hot, and the very wet kind. When it is rainy it is also quite cool, while when it is not then the temperature soars. I feel this is good practice for when I actually do return home to Malaysia end of this year (keep on touching those planks).

3) I've taken the time to look around the campus, and found the time to walk around the Gold Mantis Business School. Located just beside the Gold Mantis School of Architecture, just one look is enough to distinguish it from the other buildings in the university - most notably its beautiful red brick layout and design. I've googled images of the inside of the building and they look achingly beautiful; almost as if you have been transported to another country.

4) That's basically all I have to write about in this edition of the blog. Thanks very much for visiting as always, and have yourselves a lovely weekend. Cheers! :)

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuropsychiatric Diseases
(on 3F)

On the long road back to the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building (from Canteen No. 5/6)

Delicious Beef Soup Noodles :)

Fried Mee (with complimentary soup)

Mix and match your fruits, something I absolutely crave!! :)

Watermelon, grapes, lychee, mangoes, oranges, red beans, mung beans, taro balls - my mouth is watering already :)

The Gold Mantis Business School
(It's ten times more beautiful at night, with the lights illuminating it)

Front entrance

Japanese style fried rice ^^

The long main road to the research building 
(it's on the left, right beside the entrance to one of the many gates of the campus)

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