Friday 20 July 2018

DAY 682-685

July 15-18

1) These past few days have been much of the same, so I shall instead talk about something else I find intriguing. How time flies, I often wonder to myself. In two weeks, I will be heading back to Dublin, for what would be my final semester here in Ireland (before I go back home of course!) I know one thing for sure - I will not be used to the cold weather once I return to Ireland. Unless the heat wave magically persists throughout summer...

2) This year has been one of change for me. Some changes are good and some not so much. Coming to Beaumont was a change, intermediate cycle was a change, my parents visiting me in the summer was a *HUGE* change, going to China was a change, and finally, it's my last semester in Dublin before yet another change. If it's proven anything it's that I have gone through thick and thin and have survived (thus far).

3) This has got me thinking. In my opinion, people in general dislike change. Especially when they've gotten comfortable with their current lifestyle. We dislike changing school (for fear of losing our old friends); we dislike a change in management (because we now have to re-learn and follow a new style of how to do our job); we dislike moving house (because we are now in an unfamiliar environment and need to adapt to it). Basically, we want the status quo to remain, assuming we are agreeable with our current quality of life.

4) But change never lasts too long. After a while, this becomes the current style of living, and the past is all but forgotten (at least temporarily). We make new friends, we learn how to make our new boss happy, we've met the neighbours and made friends with them etc. We are now comfortable with this lifestyle, until another change occurs forcing us to adapt. So people who are more successful are those who can adapt easily to any sort of change.

5) So how do you mould yourself to be someone who can change according to the situation? Well, first you need to familiarise yourself with the situation you're in, and what type of change it is. Then, you need to think of how to obtain the same results for this situation (that you are in), as compared to the previous situation. If you used to get praised by your old boss for doing a good job at work, then what do you need to do now in order to get praised by your new boss? Similarly, if you had loads of friends in your old school, what do you need to do now to make loads of new friends?

6) After analysing the situation and determining what needs to be done to achieve the desired goal, you also need to work hard towards this goal. This can be done by inculcating a desire of self-betterment. Essentially, you work everyday trying to better yourself, and not by comparing with other people, but with yourself. Only envy and jealousy can result if you insist on comparing yourself with others (as you'll inevitably compare the best of them vs. the worst of yourself), so stick to comparing with your previous self.

7) Soon after you adhere by this, you will notice that positive results are starting to show. They may not be as poignant as the previous results you had, but these things take time. You need to adapt, and the more you do, the easier life becomes - until finally you've back to your old threshold of good quality of life. Until the next cycle repeats itself...

8) And that's about it for my blog today. I have no idea why I decided to write on this topic of change, but I thought it'd be fun to express what I think (I usually never do so) and see if anyone agrees or disagrees. Anyway, that's all for today's blog, and thanks very much for visiting. Have a great day, cheers! :D

The crescent moon visible from my apartment building :)

 Getting economy rice (热干菜) for lunch today...

Followed by a LARGE cup of "双拼巧克力" - ice chocolate with pudding and taro balls :D

The tool for ejecting the SIM tray of my phone has now been sadly lost forever under the cupboard...

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