Tuesday 10 July 2018

DAY 672

July 5

1) Today was a phenomenal day - for a variety of reasons. In the morning, Niamh and I walked to school together to meet Prof. Zheng Ying, who was our host as we paid a visit to Suzhou Science & Technology Town Hospital (苏州科技城医院). This 2 hour visit consisted of us getting a VIP tour of the facilities, including a behind-the-scenes look of the dispensary department, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) depository etc. We saw a patient undergo acupuncture to treat pain and weakness in her leg, and we even got the opportunity to experience some traditional healing techniques for ourselves! Niamh and I both underwent "cupping" therapy - Niamh on her knees and myself on my back. It was certainly a unique experience for the both of us.

2) After our short visit, we returned to the labs. It was a short evening, as I had to leave before 5pm. It was raining by this time, but Nina and her two friends came to the lab nonetheless. They had just finished their last exam paper, so it was time to celebrate! Accordingly, Nina had found a very nice place to have a wonderful seafood buffet - at the Four Points By Sheraton Hotel(苏州福朋喜来登酒店). Turns out the hotel had an amazing discount - from the usual 218 yuan to a barely believable 130 yuan - almost half-price! Furthermore, we would be seated right next to the lake - a magnificent view in my opinion. Originally, Niamh was meant to follow us, but due to her experiments in the lab she couldn't make it.

3) The seafood buffet was very much similar to the one I had at Kempinski - with one exception - the Durian cake. There are very few types of food which linger on in my mind long after I've had it, but this is one of them. I come from a country where durians are celebrated as the king of all fruits, and this cake (in my humble opinion) could well be the king of all cakes. I've eaten many durian cakes before, where they mostly use durian "essence" or durian cream, which probably contains a pathetic amount of real durian in it. But this was completely different. Thick chunks of durian flesh, mixed together with the sponge cake, enveloped by this out-of-the-world durian caramel sauce - it was the star of the night for me. I only wish I had room for more XD

4) Nina had invited me to watch a movie called "Dying to Survive" (我不是药神). Apparently, there had been small screenings of this movie with rave reviews abound, so everyone was eagerly awaiting its release. Luckily Nina had bought the tickets in advance, as the cinema was packed to the brim. As for the movie, it is based on a true story of a patient who suffered from CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia) who couldn't afford the astronomic price of the cancer medication "Gleevec". He opted to purchase an alternative generic brand from India (which was for all intents and purposes the same drug) for a fraction of the price, and helped thousands more in China to obtain this cheap alternative. He was then jailed for illegal trade, but after a huge public outcry no further charges were pressed and he was released. That's the real story of course, and the movie is an adaptation of this, and wonderfully portrayed if I may say so.

5) At the end of the movie, more than a few tears were shed in the audience, and I can understand why. Anyway, it has been a very, very productive day, and I hope to introduce you to many more in the future. Thanks very much for visiting, and have a nice day. Cheers! :)

Group photo with everyone!
(Prof. Zheng is on the far right, beside me
The doctor with the red shirt is a TCM practitioner;
the rest are doctors and pharmacists - sorry we didn't get your names in the short time we had!)

The Outpatient Department of the hospital

Spot the window cleaner - imagine doing that if you are afraid of heights!

Short video of the hospital :)

TCM Depository (sorry, there's no English translation for this)

A glass cup and a bamboo cup - cupping therapy in action!

And if you connect the dots...

Now it's my turn
(not necessarily the best feeling in the world, I must say XD)

That's a "scraper" of some sort - to remove dead skin

Demonstrating how to use the "scraper"

Oh look at the results :)

At least I can be happy with the knowledge that I and 
many sports athletes share something in common
(in case you thought cupping therapy is uncommon, it certainly is not among many sports figures, including Michael Phelps)

 Photo in front of the entrance before leaving

Lunch today :)

Four Point By Sheraton (buffet venue)

The Eatery

Oh would you look at the seafood!

The list of fresh seafood :)

Freshly prepared sashimi

Raindrop cake (which used to be a massive eat on Facebook - now I finally got to try it myself ^^)

That's ground peanut on the left, and honey on the right

Chocolate fondue

Scrumptious dinner with Nina and her friends! :)

The heavenly Durian Cake!

Dessert all the way

Crawfish - a delicacy here


A very contented me
(P.S. I just finished the durian cake)

Nina thought the mist at the top of the building would make a nice picture ^^
Dushu Lake Theatre - where we watched our movie

32 yuan ticket for the movie "Dying to Survive"

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