1) These past few days have been a mad dash for me, as I try my level best to finish up the remaining experiments in both the chemistry and biology labs. As (I think) I mentioned earlier, the MTT Assay results for the two compounds that I synthesised were not good, so I will be redoing the same experiment again, using a different cell line. On Wednesday night, I was in the biology lab carrying out serial dilution of my compounds and adding them to the 12X8 wells. It really is a quite tedious process, especially if you are not adept at pipetting (that's me XD).
2) This morning, for the first time I presented a PowerPoint presentation for the morning seminar. I talked about my research project which I did last year, under my Principal Investigator Dr. Darren Griffith. It was a short presentation, after which the floor was open to any questions. Professor Long (who is present for all these seminars) then asked me many questions regarding my project, at one point also asking me to introduce myself. Talking about the project made me feel all nostalgic, as I remembered the long hours I put in for those two months. It was an interesting session, but there would be more to come...
3) In the afternoon, it was time for the Work Report - a "big" seminar where everyone gives an update on their work progress for the past two weeks. I was obliged to give mine as well, seeing as this would be the last Work Report seminar I would be attending. So I gave a long talk about my research project, on the design and synthesis of specific protein degraders. I received a warm response from the Professor, and that was instant relief and joy for me.
4) In the evening, all my lab mates and I went to take pictures at various scenic points in the campus, as they were planning to make a photo album for me to take home. It was a pleasant surprise when Prof. Long suggested that, and I was very touched at how supportive my friends were in coming and taking loads of pictures together with me. We took photos in front of the lab, the library, the gate, and the old campus gate replica. Fast forward the next evening, and everyone went to the area around Dushu Lake, where we got a fantastic view of the sunset. We took many pictures as you can expect, till everywhere was dark and I had to return to continue my experiments.
5) So on Friday night, I was preoccupied with two tests in the Biology lab - the re-test of the MTT Assay for my two compounds, and the adding of primary antibodies to my proteins for my Western Blot test. The latter requires more steps tomorrow actually, including the addition of the secondary antibodies that bind to the primary ones. Too bad I won't be here in tomorrow, as I'll be travelling to Shanghai with my friends. So on that high note, I think I will end my blog update here. It's been a while since I last published, so I hope you enjoyed reading about the updates. Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a nice weekend ahead. Cheers! :D
Beautiful group pic in front of the Binglin Library (苏大独墅湖校区炳麟图书馆)
Right in front of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building :)
Another one, cuz why not XD
And one more for the record...
Casually posing at the campus entrance :D
With Dr. Hu, post-doctoral researcher in the Medicinal Chemical Biology Lab
With Kong Jiao and Han Yuqing
From l-r: Feng Shun, Zhou Jujun, Yours truly, Chris, Zhou Tan, Dr. Hu
V for Victory! XD
The replica of the gate in the main (old) campus, complete with motto and flag
Tried the food in Cafeteria No. 1 for a change
Candid group photo at dinnertime :)
Very touched and grateful to receive this water bottle and a T-shirt as a parting gift from Prof. Long and co. <3 <3 <3
Presenting these couple of slides again made me remember the good days I spent last year doing research for the first time :')

It was pouring cats and dogs in the afternoon, so Chris recommended I order takeout, and he recommended this dish
(滷肉饭) "Lu rou fan" - one of the most beloved Taiwanese comfort foods ever. Just like the famous red braised pork belly (红烧肉) in mainland China, "braised pork belly with rice" is essentially one of the most popular comfort foods in Taiwan, originating from either Taiwan or Shandong, China (depending on who you ask haha)...
And that's the dish! The pic doesn't do it justice at all, as the meat (top left corner) is way too dark in this photograph, and so is the slightly tangy seaweed soup (left). Absolutely delicious is my verdict! ^^